I'm going to employ a traffic light system to visually track where we are:
🔴 = in transit to recipient
🔶 = received
💚 = despatched to next in line
1) doblezero - 💚
2) giammangiato - 💚
3) Remsjack - 💚
4) mx12.levins - 💚
1) owlcatz
2) xslyy
3) Cryptogreatdane
4) ZipReg
5) Mopar
6) minerjones
Just bringing this onto this page for visibility.
Thanks for the update Remsjack, that was a quick turnaround, well done.
In terms of posting images of the work, I think everyone is fine to post your own work but
not ok to post other people's work, it's a personal choice but to respect the other people's
decision to keep it private. minerjones is in the privaledged position of seeing the
completed book.