You guys are so ridiculous sometimes.
I've dared to looked at a pirate, eye to eye, and I can say that I'm happy that I did.
Do not play "idiots" with us. Say that you have met that guy with moniker pirateat40 and are satisfied that he was present here and that that you are satisfied that he is indeed the same person who runs this ponzi and that as supposedly "respected community member with a good reputation" vouch for him etc... Or say that you have not.
For all we can see you are trying to post ironic/vague statements supporting proliferation of a ponzi scheme in hope that somehow you will not get a scammer tag and be ostracised by this community as every single fraudster involved into this either directly or indirectly should.
Do you think that by posting vague statements you will avoid consequences of being promoter of this fraud scheme? There is that list of all those shills and ponzi co-conspirators who are all so vocal in vague and supposedly "respected" and promote the poinzi tirelessly. You shills be ready for the shitstorm that will happen once
YOUR ponzi implodes. You will be guilty in eyes of this community and in the eyes of law as much as the direct ponzi operator himself.
Nobody here is ridiculous but a bunch of fraudsters who promote this poinzi and even more so all the idiots who eat all the shit they spawn.
Lets make a list with who is on the payroll of pirate or has any personal interest in any of his operations:
- Chaang Noi (Goat) ช้างน้อย (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- BurtW (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- PatrickHarnett (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- dollartrader (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- hashking (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- imsaguy (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- ineededausername (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- bitfoo (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- pay.btc (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- gigavps (runs PiratePassThrough Bond or is affiliated with one)
- ...
who else??
Good start. It seems like automatic scammer tag list the moment the ponzi implodes as well as list of scammers for all the criminal reports that will be lodged eventually when this indeed blows over as many think it will.
Now a little exercise for all the readers. See the posting history of individuals mentioned above. See their mission here for yourself.