This is how I read the following post:
I would have posted here sooner but, in fact, I just learned about this thread. My "trip report" has already been copied. As Goat said, with a little thought I had figured out what he was doing before I went. I went for a good time - and had one. We did talk "business" a bit and that was fun. I do appreciate the long post from The Joint because it is genuine and not just another "this is an obvious ponzi, I know everything, you are all stupid" post so I promise to answer the questions in it but I have to go to my day job now.
I met pirate, he is real and legit and I will answer ANY questions you'd like..
I will quickly give you the simple stategy I used to figure it out. If you try to figure out what he does and how it works from the assumption that it is impossible then, well, you obviously will never figure it out. When I re-read everything he has ever posted from the working assumption that what he is doing is possible this left my mind open and able to figure it out. Just do that, assume it is possible, go to his profile, read every post. Try it.
..but hey, you don't really need my answer, you can find them yourself, you just have to believe it's possible to be legit and pay what pirate pays. Now have faith and go read his every post..
How much he reveals or does not reveal (and he actually reveals a lot) is up to him. So no, I will not reveal what it is. Get off you lazy ass and figure it out for yourself just like I did. fact, I wont even tell you anything because it's that easy to "figure it out", and if you can't, well then that's pirates decision and your just SOL...
One final note: eventually others will figure it out, do it, and with competition we can all say goodbye to the great returns. You all know where I stand. I will use this window of opportunity and I offer the opportunity to others thought the PPT.x bond system. If you don't want to invest then don't. If you do invest in anything, Facebook, Google, BS&T, US treasury bonds, don't ever invest more than you can afford to lose - there is risk in every investment.
.. so you see, it's all transparent really which is why you only have a limited time to take advantage of this excellent "opportunity" so go on, call 080-pirate-ponzi now, and "invest" your money ASAP. But don't say we didn't warn you, you might lose everything because it actually is a ponzi.. but hey, you can lose money doing anything, right? Why not lose it with us..
Carry on with your ponzi shill screaming now, I am sure that is enough fodder to keep you going for a few days.
EDIT: a little more specific on the frame of mind to be in when you read the posts. Your answer must be totally allowed by all US law and something your wife, who is an attorney for the sake of this exercise, would not only let you do but would endorse.
Hint: you must really really believe it and don't tell it to anyone otherwise it wont come true..