"relax man, you are going to give yourself grey hairs. That is for another opportunity. When my idea goes nuclear I don't want the masses chasing me. Relax, invest, enjoy the ride. Now do you know any investors? "
How did I do? Was that a good imitation?
Hey Kegels : )
If you ask me, that was rather spot-on... : )
Peace everybody. Let's make love, not war.
Also, let's have fun and not stress too much.
Now, if you could just send daddy-o here some of your superfluous bitcoins...
But seriously...
I'm trying to figure out the details of the contract right now.
Suggestion: Let's say the project(s) is profitable. I could then set aside say 10% of the profits to ensure liquidity of the assets by nominating a value of (profits x 0.1)/number of shares to each share and guaranteeing that the firm will always buy back shares for that price. Any trades going on above that is up to the market to decide but we would always offer (profits x 0.1)/number of shares for each share to anyone who wants to cash in. I hope this would be logical and viable... Sorry if it seems a bit vague, still trying to figure out the details.