The logos in this thread despite been noble efforts, are just not good enough. If you need a 2nd opinion other than mine, then the devs should speak to a real design studio. This logo has got to be solid if you want the coin to be taken seriously. It seems that because there wasn't a lot of entries, that any logo would do. This is a coin forum, not a design forum. I would seriously reconsider keeping this logo design open for now. If you go with this design, its a mistake, it needs to be a lot simpler. The coin just doesn't look polished or professional and it will damage the coins value in the long run.
This is why real logos cost a great deal of money, its not just the creative thought behind them, its the long term value that logo brings to the brand. The recognisablity of the design to the public is crucial, people shouldn't have to look two or three times at it to work out the coin. Some brands don't even need a logo to be recognised, colours can offer brand association. Cadburys in the UK have moved before to protect that shade of purple they use, because the public associate the colour purple with the chocolate they produce, and copycats have used that colour for their own chocolate to capitalise on that association, and steal their customers.
Bitcoin has this, that orange will be recognised and associated with the coin with just a glance in the future, especially when the logo is sat amongst the other coin logos, say on an exchange. I'm not sure this tea colour logo has any appeal at all, is it supposed to be gold?. BitCoin nailed their branding and spent a lot of time working out the look and feel. Major companies invest heavily in design, marketing and advertising for a reason. I've noticed that most altcoins are seriously lacking here despite the potential value of these coins, it just doesnt make sense to me to scrimp in this area. Invest and you'll be rewarded in spades.
For the latest design, there are too many elements, too many colours and its confused. It's also not scalable because those small versions are too fussy. The main use for this coin seems to be aimed towards casinos and gambling sites, yet you are keen on 'Lotto Colors' and 'Lotto Balls' as the main design feature? Whats going to be the coins main use then, the lotto? The 8 ball, is in fact a 'Pool Ball'. I even posted a picture earlier but everyones just blindly scrolled past it. The association with the game of pool will add further confusion. Its not a lotto ball, or a lucky Chinese ball, its a pool ball. Google it > 8 BALL. Every result and picture is relating to the game of Pool, which has nothing to do with it.
The devs should be developing the coin and infrastructure, and outsourcing the design, branding and marketing to the professionals. If you think I'm a troll, you've got me all wrong, I'm just well invested in this coin and I'm concerned the right people aren't in place to move it forward. It needs more than a dev to launch a coin. This is potentially a multi million pound brand and needs the support of a few knowledgeable people in the right areas for it to succeed, just like any real business. I'm doing all that I can to promote it and have other plans to help this coin. I simply want it to be taken seriously as a currency and for me/you to make a load of money in the process. Isn't that the goal for everyone on here, especially the devs?
You're absolutely right. We need something scalable that can be put on a coin as well as 2d version. It's really hard. What studios are you talking about?
While I like gjeric's design, I don't think it's scalable.