It might just be a YT in some hours or tomorrow..
I wanna ask KryptoKings if they use TS (Teamspeak) then make a room for the interview.. So only people who gets a permission can talk.
That means that they can have the interview going without getting disturbed. And we can listen live and buy like crazy beforea anyone else will notice xD
ok thats little boring is it, why not stream it live on you-tube so we all can listen and if we like to talk about it live we can chat on the chat inside the live app.
beside that,its more interesting when its live, then a interview where they can cut out peaches or work on it.
Sorry but we only allow the person/people getting interviewed on teamspeak 3. Reason being they are already nervous when they get on with us and we try to keep them calm.
Google hang out thing sound shitty. We go back and edit our audio the best we can. When the people getting interviewed know they can make a mistake it is easier for them. We do various cuts and takes. I had a time slot ready after doing the latest Bytecent interview with Iconic Expert but its not a Krypto Kings Show. It is exclusive for there coins and network. I just interview, edit and produce.... I am for hire
I was waiting on Troll but didn't hear from him. I think maybe a miss communication happened with the email addresses.
You don't need to buy as a videos playing just buy it now while LitecoinDark is cheap. The name of the game is buy low and sell high right?