I have tried signing up with your site again. All I get is "Entered email address is not a valid address.
Please use a valid email address." I've tried 3 different domains including my work address.
Hey Patrice7,
I temporarily disabled mail system detect.
Sorry for the delay in replying. I was able to sign up fine. I was also able to sign up on wheel before you disabled it. That's weird. Also after I referred my mom and son I had them send me their claim amounts and the referrals seem to work properly for me. They are my guinea pigs when I put up new sites.
Some Feedback:
Thanks for getting rid of the pop ups. I do not refer people to sites with popups. I don't know how others feel about it but I do prefer that advertising links open in new windows. Most of yours seem to except the yellow/black forex one.
The Coin888 slot machine does not work properly on slower computers with opera for some reason it never stops spinning.
Some of your ads are not showing on some browsers. "A secure connection cannot be established because this site uses and unsupported protocol" or "The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher".
Still seeing "quick button faucet" on the coin888 faucet even though you have deactivated it.
A short history of claims and referral claims would be great. I know this has been mentioned but I'm +1.
Pros: Great layout! Easy to claim, no tricks. Timer on browser tab. Fast site load.
Hi Patrice7,
Thank you for your feedback and taking the time to post your comments and Thank you for using
Coin888.com and
Your helpful comments are much appreciated,and your feedback will help me Please continue to send them in via the forum this improve my website’s content and performance.
Most of the comments I’ve received have been useful and will enable me to make the changes you need in order to be able to use sites more effectively.
It's a great question, you know as web browsers have progressed, we've increasingly gotten to the point where we just ignore old browsers like they don't exist. No more testing, no more hacks, no more nothing.
It's not good but I had to used the last method AJAX and jQuery, if I wanted to support whole browsers even the olds this means that a jQuery object has completely different methods.
My initial stance was that every browser mattered. It doesn't matter if they're coming in with Netspace 1.0, FireFox 3 or Internet Explorer 3.
I'm not quite sure where I stand. In all honesty, I don't check as many old browsers.
My initial feeling with the 'old' versions of 'decent' browsers is that if people are savvy enough to know they should be using a better browser, they are probably most likely to be keen on updating it. It then becomes the issue of people using old 'bad' browsers such as IE which we can target so it doesn't matter much.
So, I think we should care but I don't know how much and I don't know how much I care myself.
Thank you,