With that low level of cost of betting yes it makes it possible that the 50 billion bets claim might be genuine but they have not answered my question. Is there a way to independently verify their claims of 50 billion bets being placed?
I remain skeptical
you can also track everything on twitter where all events are posted. https://twitter.com/luckygamesio
So effectively there is no way to independently verify the claims of 50 billion bets being placed, the only thing we have are the claims made by the luckygames team. Thank you for the answer.
You can manually count the bets, you get spreading lies does not contribute to your image.
You are misinformed as it seems to be the first event you have seen on Luckygames.io.
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You are very misinformed, you need to follow things better.
But let's talk about you because I think you have a lot to explain your attacks to Luckygames.io
your casino project never worked out and now you decide to attack luckygames.io
Unlike you, I study before I speak, you try to grow into something you do not know.
Stop your crazy idea, think about how things work.
luckygames.io has grown due to various disclosures made by users.
I hope you stop wasting time and take care of your projects, after all they have never been realized.
For several times I asked you to inform yourself, but you ignored it and started talking nonsense, stop making yourself innocent.