I would still like to emphasize the problem with LUXCoin going on at Cryptopia. Their chain is almost 13 hrs behind. Current LUX block height on Cryptopia is 446239, whereas actual current block is 446808. And they have only 4 LUX nodes listed in their config. I contacted support, they are aware of the problem, but they do nothing to solve it. Taking in consideration the fact that Cryptopia is the top volume exchange for LUX and that many people actually mine LUX for profit, I think this makes a very negative impact on the coin and its reputation in general.
Why can't the LUX devs somehow kick Cryptopia people or offer their help in resolving this matter? It's been going on for a few weeks already. First they put the LUX wallet in maintanance mode for almost a week, then they cannot sync the chain properly. Can we even be sure they are not doing it on purpose? What, they cannot afford a decent SSD drive to run the LUX wallet?
Thanks for feedback, we aware of that problem and already provided all needed information, including actual peers list, to Cryptopia's team.
I cant actually say what causes such delays in block height, but Im sure Topia's team will resolve syncing related issues eventually.