Stop feeling the troll. Coinseeker is a retard. He's hoping the market goes down so he can buy back in. He's fourkey2001 2.0. Just click ignore, stop quoting him if you do reply, and move on. Pointing out he's wrong just makes he move onto some new FUD.
And here comes the name calling. Ah...yes. The height of supreme intelligence.
Not sure how wanting the price to drop makes me a bad person and certainly warrants being called names. I guess you'd prefer there was a Bull section and a Bear section so you wouldn't have to read any posts contrary to your beliefs and opinions? Segregationist?
I get a real mixed message from you but the manipulative part is clear. It is the honest part that isn't so clear. You try to keep things professional with your words, sort of like a banker in a suite, but your message isn't exactly in line with your professionalism, sort of like a banker in a suite.
For example, none of us had a full story regarding the DHS thing with Dwolla. Well, how can you come out and say things are heading down, this sounds real bad, etc? The most we can say is what the statement said, but you took that and created a whole story and gave every body an easy way out - sell.
You are showing your true agenda - you want the price of BTC down, whether or not it is for you to buy in lower we don't know. My guess is no, because being ingenuine in order to buy lower (by helping a panic sell to occur) is being ingenuine in the end. That is clearly not what BTC is about.
And yet you try to convey this image of being a good person. You bring up your wife and how you talk about those crazies on the forum. Hello... you are sort of one of them in many of our eyes. And again, it is because of this in-genuine odor you give off. Many won't bring it up to you for you on probably on ignore. Anyway, I don't dislike you, I just don't have respect for you method of manipulation and manipulation in general. If you question what many of us see in you, just re-read the posts, I did, and it is clear what you are. A smile is only skin deep. Give it a rest and be what you are... that is genuine.
Remember, It's about sharing...
I've never denied the fact I want the market to fall. And if you read my posts, I said in my "speculation" as a US citizen, this is going to be bad. And it's going to be. I guarantee it. Now, you may not like to hear that. That may frighten your bullish position but I have the right to my "speculations". If you think its no big deal that the USG chose Homeland Security over the Dept. of Justice, then you really have no clue how things work in the US.
So let me say this one last time for the cheap seats: In my speculation, the value of Bitcoin is coming WAAAAAAYYYY down. This is just the beginning. You don't have to agree or like my view but don't call me disingenuous when I have been clear about my bearish stance.
Additionally, this is a FREE MARKET. Would you like to impose regulations on my opinions now because they might cause someone to sell? Free markets are only free to those who want them to go their way? Seems quite hypocritical. The only thing disingenuous is your skewing of reality. But that's your right. I don't care what you think about me. You don't know me. I'm just some guy on a forum. But the fact that I scare the hell out of you, means I must be doing something right.
Now let it go. None of you scare me and I won't "tread lightly" because I'm not intimidated by peoples opinions. Maybe you should search your own heart instead of trying to search mine. And BTW-it's "suit" not "suite". Can we get back on topic now or do you have last word syndrome too?