No, it's just that some of us prefer more a considered use of words than just slapping them around. The pity is that you actually add quite constructively to the discussion now and then otherwise I'd just have you on ignore all the time but it's a high price to pay to read through this kind of stuff to get to the odd useful bit.
I wasn't at the convention and of course there were people there paying for their service to get noticed and bigging up their own products and services but from what I understand of the videos and write-ups I've seen it was very much about what is happening. So if someone says 'We added 1,900 in April' what do you want to 'see'? Their proof? If someone says 'We have partnered with x and are providing this service' do you actually need to try out the service for yourself before you believe they're doing it?
Look, you're really blowing this way out of proportion. The convention just ended. All I said was "I" wasn't putting much stock into it at this point. Me...not anyone else, I didn't try to lead people to think as I do, I simply said "I" and especially as it relates to the current price. Whether or not the convention was a success, is something I personally will determine over the next coming weeks. Again, "I" don't think it's going to have any immediate effect on the price or volume and to this point, it hasn't.
If you are going to quote yourself at least get it right, you said this "That's the entire purpose of a conference, is to make people think "things are happening". "
And that is a big smack in the face of a lot of people and I doubt anyone on these boards appreciates it.
That IS the purpose. It's a sales show. A facade. A sales prop and you of all people should know I could careless what people on these boards think. It's not my fault you guys don't know what a convention is. You drink the Kool-Aid...I know what's up. And in the coming weeks, we'll see if this song and dance has any positive benefit.
One last point...BFL was at the convention. Anyone get their units yet?'s a song and dance. It's means nothing, in and of itself. Now, let it go.