This site has from day 1 been a "race to the bottom".
There has never been any attempt to increase payout for the users, while there have been plenty of updates in the features, from the money side it's been one cut after the other.
On start the argument was that this site isn't about the money, but about the fun of playing this game, but then the enormous overload of ads and popups kills the fun of playing.
CMG has always been one of the lowest paying crypto sites in existence, any 5 minute faucet pays better than CMG does, in fact unless you have dead cheap electricity and an extremely cheap internet connection, your cost of electricity plus the price of your connection relative to the time you're using it for CMG exceeds the pay you get from CMG, meaning you funnel money from CMG to your electricity and internet provider, but you yourself get less than nothing, you're paying for it.
That said, up to this latest update users at least had the expectation to get paid, meaning playing CMG was cheaper than playing any free online game, but that's gone now.
The backlog of users who don't get paid will grow ever bigger now, making ever more users run away or as I said above, it limits the amount of users the site will have at an amount that results on first view in a halfway acceptable payout time.
On second view this shrinking amount of users will mean a shrinking revenue for the site, which leads to further cuts in payout, which leads to more users running away, until the bottom is reached where depending on your point of view either the site has no more users because it has no revenue and therefore cannot pay or doesn't pay because it has no revenue due to a lack of users.
Furthermore there isn't even any effort to hide the facts.
The backlog of bugs and incomplete features keeps growing while the site adds more new features including more new bugs and incomplete features.
I've made a list of these things a few pages above, like
- the choice of shortlink being obsolete after there is no choice anymore
- the shop so extremely overpriced that there is no sense in buying anything from the shop
- missions for level 21 and above missing
and much much more.
There is virtually no support anymore, my message at Twitter saying trades in the market to trade CGT for any other crypto doesn't work because even on an exchange rate of 1.0 it gives an error saying exchange rate must be between 0.8 and 1.2, remained unanswered.
Not sure if @jamboom is still at Discord, I just can't get used to how Discord works so I don't use it, either way it's just a matter of time until he disappears there as well.
Have a look into the map, scroll a bit through and check how many users you see on levels ..... say 5 - 15 ....., there are next to none, which means the site consists of a ton of new users ALL turning inactive within their first 3 days and a handful of old users above level 20, while there aren't even any missions for level 21 or above.
Then have a look into the evolution of the site, note how @jamboom has tons of spare time creating all kind of graphical gimmicks but never has a single minute spare to fix problems or finish incomplete features, there isn't even any attempt to hide it, let alone any attempt to fix anything.
Wanna bet? Right now @jamboom is working on new graphics for crypto missions in the map, but he has no intention of spending a single minute on implementing level 21 missions.
If all of the above is still not enough, there's still what vice president Bush in 1980 called "tralala business" also known as "voodoo business".
It refers to the tax revenue a government has relative to how much taxes it charges, because there is a point from where on higher taxes result in less tax revenue because people increasingly cheat on their taxes.
CMG with its amount of ads and popups is way past the peak of revenue, meaning a permanently growing amount of experienced users will use some kind of ad block while using CMG, simply because they find this overload of junk ads unbearable.
Thanks for explanation, that's why I'm not even opening the website now!