bitmaintech is a scam do not buy
no costumer service
1 month to get a miner, 48 hours my ass
hope you dont get a bad miner good luck getting it fixed.
I thank sushi is on drugs and cant do his job
Bitmain sent us more than 1000 Antminer S1 just in the last weeks, in all the cases they were on time or before.
Can you post the BTC payment transaction ID so we can check at the blockchain, order number and the tracking info to check what you are saying?
webmaster@bitmaintech.comFeb 25
to me
BITMAIN Order Shipped
Order ID: 00120140216150346811UafiO0to06D5
Date: 2014-02-16 15:03:47
Total: 2.9 BTC
Payment method: Bitcoin Payment
Amount (BTC):
QR Code:
Order Details
Product Name Price
AntMiner S1 × 2 2.9 BTC
Order Total: 2.9 BTC
Pay Details
Pay 2.9 BTC
Pay Confirm 2.9 BTC
Date 2014-02-16 17:31:03
Send Details
Carrier UPS
Tracking No. 1ZR239350444529176
Date 2014-02-25 18:02:51
josh mon
Mar 2 (10 days ago)
to me
I need your shipping address to pass on to the warranty team for your replacement...
Can you give me name and the shipping address ASAP?
Gotta meet Cutoff Time for Monday Process
he did not ship the replacement for 1 week after this
I'm confused here. You ordered on February 16th, during Chinese New Year. That was when the website clearly said that they would start shipping again on Feb 28th. Your unit in fact shipped 3 days early on the 25th, and you got it on the 26th.
It appears that there was a problem with your unit, and you're calling them a scam because it took them a week to send out your RMA unit?
i love how every one has come at me for getting a bad miner and having 2 weeks of living hell to get it replaced
i see everyone only said they got the miner on time but did not have the rma ride i had hope you don't.
to top it all off sushi said i was blackmailing him for the replacement and the refund he told me about.
posting this is illegal or legal cant remember what make me a black mailer and what makes me a unhappy costumer according to sushi he recorded the last phone call trying to entrap me so i would not keep telling you what happened. ask him to post it see for your self the hell he put me through
learn to add it was 2 weeks and one was because sushi did not send my miner the week before as he said he would soon as he got the tracking it took 4 days to get the first response and no refund for the diff in price drop while i waited 1 month to get my working miner i ordered as soon as it was up on the 16th nothing posted about the 28th till after i pay not a prob the fact the miner was bad not a prob the way i was treated problem threatened with black mail because i needed a warranty, problem i have not posted to this form or any other form before this bad costumer service
so how bad was it to get me to make more post face book u tube you name it than i ever have in all my life very bad
so bad i have lost all faith i bitcoin and am thinking of deleting my wallet with the btc in it and maybe a hammer to the miners all 700 ghs that is how bad it was, i realise i should not make big choices when i have had a long hard 2 weeks if i do this it will not be out of anger it will be thought out and made with a clear head
As I see your order was shipped in time you payed on Feb-16 while Bitmain has no stock and was quite qlear in their website they will deliver about Feb 28 what they did.
If there is a bad miner require to do a RMA with a company located in China, two weeks to complete that process is normal.
In the last weeks our company sold more than 1000 S1 for USA/Canada customers and we have to do just 1 RMA and all goes perfect, we have miners from all the other factories, and they reliability of Bitmain is al least 10 times better than the closest competitor.
About Sushi I don't know but why you say bad things about Bitmain? if you have a problem with sushi solve it with sushi.