Standard topic; guys, I am back from rehab. I ended up staying at the 12 step program for 4 months because of the community and the fact that you learn a lot about yourself . I loved the community, the people were very friendly and we were all in the same boat (the addict boat) so everyone could hang with anyone.. I spent time with hardcore gangmembers while I myself wouldn't hurt a fly and it worked fine. After all it's been one of the best 4 months of my life - I've been bullied my whole life except in the drug world, here I could be around people who didn't say one mean thing and laught with them. The main reason I stayed that long was the community, and all of the staff are also addicts (some even gang HA/Bandidos members).. Here in Sweden the state pays for the cost, my visit there cost 210k SEK (roughly $30k). Imagine how much money the state spend on people like me every year..
The God part I left out completly, but all in all it is nothing short of a cult (*chorus* "Just for today"). But it's helping people getting clean and if brainwashing is the price to stay sober instead of living on the streets the coice is pretty easy. However I couldn't take in the program emotionally which is a must so I ended up going out to use again (somewhere I think I wanted to keep drugging too even though I know where it leads to)...
They call it a disease which I can agree with to some degree - but I dont want to call it disease, rather call it addictive personality, but there is no doubt that the drug abusers has some kind of "disturbance" with their brains. I have learned a lot about how we addicts work and think and it's kinda scary. The worst thing isn't how we destroy ourselves but how the people around us suffer.. It's really aweful and there is no treatment for relatives the same way there is for us.
I learned that after 40 days rehab only 2% manage to stay drug free, after 6 months I don't have a number but I can imagine it's about 6-8% tops. So most of the people I met there will die sadly. And another sad fact is that 64% of the peple with Hepatitus C end up with liver cancer (thank god I dont use needles).
It took my 1 hour (the bus trip) before I bought my first beer, and then another 4 hours home and then jump onto the real stuff. I don't use needles (thank whoever) because if I did that I would be dead. Now I've been on a Subutex race for 2 weeks, mixed with a ton of Benso. Worst thing is that my family will be very sad, I've told my mother that I've started drinking again but nothing about the drugs. :/ She's going to be devestated.
You can ask any questions you may have here or in PM if you want to be anomynous, one thing I learned there is that my IQ is quite high so hopefully I can help some others. You can aks about anything regarding drugs or rehabs.