Hell we don't even know if humans can survive on Mars for any length of time.
I mean the whole effect on the human body stuff.
The logistics of it is also staggering.
What always comes to mind when i think of this concept is.. meteors.
I seen a science show the other day where an astronomer caught on camera a massive cloud of maybe water or something shooting off like 150 miles off the surface of the planet.
No one has any clue what it could have been.. except for a comet impact.
I can't put into words how fucking big the mess was it was simply fucking nuts !
And what i always think of is Mars is a target hit more often i think then we are here. (because of it's location)
Worse is that it has fuck all for an atmosphere.
Chelyabinsk meteor = Imagine 29 nuke's going off.
THEN imagine NOT having an atmosphere !
Then think of all those shooting stars and constant meteor showers we get.
Check out Spaceweather.com to see which meteor shower we are hit with right now..
We are ALWAYS flying into one all year round pretty much.
THEN think of all those shooting stars we see.. i heard they are suppose to be like a grain of sand usually.
THEN.. think of no atmosphere !
Each grain of sand would be a high speed cannon blast that rips through anything on the surface of Mars.
Meteors can be shot into us on Earth at 72 km/s.
Not sure what the average max is on Mars would be ..maybe higher.
A sample of a speeding bullet is about 4500 km/h
Take not the difference between hours and SECONDS.
Earth average max meteor speed = 259,200 km/h
Earth's Average max bullet speed = 4,500 km/h
Meaning ?
What ever type of habitat or support is laid out on Mars it is going to be highly vulnerable.
Such as an inflated green house that would explode if a grain of sand was shot through it.
Wind storms ? Yup.. Mars is known for them and tornado's.
Sorry i just think the reality here is colonizing Mars is going to be far harder and more expensive than people thought.
Wrap your head around this little fun fact.
It costs something like $10,000.00 usd to put 1 single pound into orbit of Earth.
Then factor in that you would need to send 3 or more people to Mars all requiring food for the trip.
If all three eat 1 pound of food per day and it takes them say a year to get there..
AND they will have to take another period of time to make a green house and grow food.
Then do the math
What is needed would also be more costly because the food stored would need to be "pushed" to Mars.
Not just Earth's orbit.
And yup it's going to cost a lot more to send 1 pound of something to Mars than it is to float in close orbit here.
It's a bloody miracle we made it to the moon.
Only reason the US did it was because they were given a blank check and infinite man power.
NASA people said if they had to do it today it would be impossible because of the cost.
The first couple Moon missions cost a staggering amount of money and required hundreds of thousands of workers.
That was ALL paid for by taxing the public to foot the bill.
Yup.. i'm skeptical