Here are the typos. It has been a long time, and I recalled incorrectly. It wasn't fire/hire.
It was hire/higher, but this is not from his reader. Only showed it as an example of his typo ability. shortage in supply will result in hire prices
This is the typo that I intended to comment, a typo from his reader: up the hood work and see you in November.Here is another example of very suspicious reader's comment: the Sovereign Debt Crisis will bring Gov. Deb
t to 0
There was a typo of t missing in boldface that I added. And I don't know ANYONE else (besides Armstrong) who can blah/blah/blah through all those magic numbers fluently, just like this reader. Honestly, I cannot make anything out of this: the ratios of events in time 8.6(9) year frequency with the 1.075(1.3) year short leg and the 2.15(2.6) (1.3 +2.6=3.9) year Long leg to volatility wave/ change in trend PI 3.1415(3.2)
So what's the chance of another person/reader who writes in this? When was the last time that you see someone
typing hood work instead of good work without realizing the typo in front of you.
As I said that Armstrong is probably an above-average trader. So he probably could get things more correct than often, but it's not as he has claimed, "AI computer" that is not biased. You need to collect Armstrong's specific forecasts to get the actual value from his stuffs. The problem of being ambiguous is this. Let's say I open a stock market newsletter. If I keep the wording ambiguous, and let's say 45% of people traded wrong and 55% of the people traded correctly, due to a combination of my forecast wording and people's innate trading intuition, there will ALWAYS be some percentage of profitable trades from whatever I say. As long as I can keep the 45% of the losing subscribers to hang on longer, and the drop off rates is less than the incoming rate, then my newsletter business will keep booming. And since every time the people who lose in trades may not be the same people, it's not really a big problem for the constantly changing 45% of people to hang on. The only person among all who can always win is the person who is publishing the newsletter.
The honest newsletter writers will post ACTUAL trades and keep a record, because they are actually good, and they have a real winning record to post for everyone to see. Armstrong has none, and he doesn't keep track. Again, all he needs to dispel this is to post a trade record in real-time, and shows a good trading profits from it consistently, beating index funds. As long as it's a winning record, it's good.
Instead, he boasted that he created AI, speech recognition, natural language processing way before year 2000, and one time, he posted that his AI computer is "self-conscious", etc, while at the same time, he cannot stick to a single cycle length number for his ECM. 8.6153846615 was in the headline section, but it won't give you Sep 30/Oct 1st, 2015 date, which is supposedly accurate "down to the day". the number/picture before Armstrong files a copyright infringement against web
I don't think there is any real value in his ECM. It's just a tool for him to magically play with numbers.