Important Breaking News and Latest Intel from Ukraine! article is very long and detailed in its analysis. I give some short fragments below:
Intel 1
Donetsk Republic announced that they had uncovered secret plans for a new massive attack on Donetsk and Lugansk by Kiev.
I have translated/summarised the urgent announcement by DNR Defence Spokesman, Eduard Basurin.
DNR received this secret intel from high level sources within Kiev army ranks.
Kiev amassed 90,000 troops on Ukraine/DNR-LNR (Novorossia) border, preparing to attack. This armed force includes 450 tanks, 2500 armored vehicles, 5 heavy rocket launchers Tochka-U and thousands in various artillery hardware. This army has been concentrated in four key locations. Mariupol, to attack Donetsk from the south; central to attack Donetsk from the west; third one to cut off Donetsk from Lugansk and fourth to attack Lugansk from the north. The reserve group is located behind these four army groupings. The north and south groupings will also cut off LNR and DNR from the Russian border in order to stop humanitarian assistance and close the circle around both republics, thus suffocating them.
Intel 2
On August 24, Ukraine celebrates its independence day. According to intel, today Poroshenko (oligarch, president), Yatsenyuk (oligarch, PM) and Klichko (boxer, mayor of Kiev) will announce a coalition of their three parties in order to run together in the upcoming local elections.
Ukraine will have local elections in October. Poroshenko’s ratings are down and even his former cronies distrust him. The right sector is threatening to start maidan-3 at any moment. Attempts to start a new maidan have been made by various groups, mainly protesting the economic collapse, shortages, hyperinflation and unemployment. However, every protest attempt has been squashed.
My intel says that people in cities of Kherson and Nikolaev (south/Black Sea area) would prefer the Opposition Block. It consists of sort of remnants of the Party of the Regions and certain minor oligarchs who are for better relations with Russia, while also maintaining closer relations with the EU. In addition to the above, there are also some relatively honest people in the Opposition Block.
In Odessa, if elections were semi-honest (and this is a huge IF), the winners could be the pro-Russian, pro-Odessa-autonomy, anti-Kiev party Rodina (Motherland), and possibly also Opposition Block. Rodina is one of the main forces still legally remaining in opposition. They used to have good positions in the city council, however, many of them had to flee Ukraine and are now in exile.
Generally, Odessa is very oppressed and suppressed; people are afraid to speak up. The situation is very similar in Kiev, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk.
The situation in Donbass is the following: Donbass is roughly divided into two halves. One half belongs with Donetsk and Lugansk Republics and another half is under junta occupation. We all remember that on May 11, 2014, the people of then Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts in their entirety voted in a referendum against Kiev junta and ukro-nazis, and for their independence. That was well before the war started.
It is understood that people all over the occupied parts of Donbass will vote for those candidates who are the closest to the Republics and furthest from the junta. This may create the situation in which these areas are formally under Kiev, but de-facto a part of LNR and DNR.
Intel 3
Today Ukraine is celebrating its independence-from-Russia day. Some call it: ‘the independence from the common sense day.’
After participating in early celebrations and officially announcing his alliance with Yatsenyuk and Klichko, Poroshenko will the same day fly to Berlin to meet with Merkel and Hollande. Therefore, the announcement of the Porosh-Yats-Klich election coalition has been deliberately orchestrated to coincide with the independence day – for internal consumption, and with the trip to Berlin – for external consumption.
Poroshenko is trying to demonstrate something to the EU. That he is serious about staying in his post? That he means business and wants to win local elections? Or that he can in fact work with others? Or he thinks that’s how he can get more money? All of the above, I think.
There is a school of thought that suggests that Russia is tying up a lot of resources supporting Donbass (about 2.5 million people left there since the war started), therefore, weakening her economy.
But Donbas is one of the most developed territories of the former Ukraine, which provided during good times up to 30% of Ukraine’s GDP. Donbass can support itself.
The rest of Ukraine is much larger in size and much less productive. Kiev, western and central Ukraine were subsidised by Donbass and the rest of the South-East.
Pay attention, US and EU taxpayers! US is stuck having to support the entire Ukraine: 30-35 million people and the territory the size of France. Nuland and US State Dept spent $5 bln to subvert Ukraine. How much do they spend daily now to KEEP UKRAINE ON LIFE SUPPORT, especially considering all the crooks and thieves in power, pocketing most of the US and EU infusions?