your chat service is not working. i mean the one on your site. please i redrew 2 mbtc about 5 days ago and it is yet to hit my account. are your real or fake
I think I've located your account and the withdrawal in question. This was rejected because you are using multiple duplicate accounts to claim free lotto tickets, clearly abusive and against the Terms of Use of the site. You were sent an email explaining why your withdrawal would not be paid due to this fraudulent multiple accounts behaviour.
We are also aware of the multiple chats you tried to start with our team, and these were ignored as our team focuses on genuine members of our community and does not spend time repeatedly explaining themselves to abusive users. You should further be aware that you were actually starting the chats with us while logged in from one of your duplicate accounts, not even the account where you attempted to withdraw from!
8BET is a player cooperative - we are by players, for players. When you try to abuse the system by fraudulently extracting money you steal from us all - and of course we will take every measure to stop this.