Test last wtm pool file from master branch
It looks the same... with coins.json . I dont think will work with manually added pool with LUX or BSD fro example...
Now is getting all active coins from
http://whattomine.com/coins.json, before was 55 from main page, now are 55 from main page and 44 from coins.json.
Can you give me a hand here, I made a custom pool ps1 for GBX/Altminer based on flypool.ps1
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String]$Querymode = $null ,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
#. .\..\Include.ps1
$Name = (Get-Item $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).BaseName
$ActiveOnManualMode = $true
$ActiveOnAutomaticMode = $false
$ActiveOnAutomatic24hMode = $false
$AbbName = 'GBXA'
$WalletMode = "NONE"
$Result = @()
if ($Querymode -eq "info"){
$Result = [PSCustomObject]@{
Disclaimer = "No registration, No autoexchange"
ApiData = $True
if (($Querymode -eq "core" ) -or ($Querymode -eq "Menu")){
$Pools +=[pscustomobject]@{"Symbol"="GBX"; "algo"="Neoscrypt";"port"=10000;"coin"="GBXCoin";"location"="US";"server"="eu1.altminer.net"}
$Pools +=[pscustomobject]@{"Symbol"="GBX"; "algo"="Neoscrypt";"port"=10000;"coin"="GBXCoin";"location"="ASIA";"server"="eu1.altminer.net"}
$Pools +=[pscustomobject]@{"Symbol"="GBX"; "algo"="Neoscrypt";"port"=10000;"coin"="GBXCoin";"location"="EUROPE";"server"="eu1.altminer.net"}
$Pools | ForEach-Object {
$Flypool_Algorithm = get_algo_unified_name $_.algo
$Flypool_coin = get_coin_unified_name $_.coin
$Flypool_symbol = $_.Symbol
Algorithm = $Flypool_Algorithm
Info = $Flypool_coin
Price = $null
Price24h = $null
Protocol = "stratum+tcp"
Host = $_.server
Port = $_.port
User = $CoinsWallets.get_item($Flypool_symbol)
Pass = "x"
Location = $_.location
SSL = $false
Symbol = $Flypool_Symbol
AbbName = $AbbName
ActiveOnManualMode = $ActiveOnManualMode
ActiveOnAutomaticMode = $ActiveOnAutomaticMode
PoolWorkers = $_.Workers
PoolHashRate = $null
Blocks_24h = $null
WalletMode = $WalletMode
PoolName = $Name
$Result |ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $info.SharedFile
remove-variable Result
I added GBX address and WHATTOMINEPOOLORDER in the config, changed the @@MINWORKERS to 0.
And when i start the bat file and choose manual i see my pool file nad it runs just fine. But when i choose Auto or Auto24 and select whattomine it says: "NO POOLS!....retry in 10 sec --- REMEMBER, IF YOUR ARE MINING ON ANONYMOUS WITHOUT AUTOEXCHANGE POOLS LIKE YIIMP, NANOPOOL, ETC. YOU MUST SET WALLET FOR AT LEAST ONE POOL COIN IN CONFIG.TXT"