so it's unrewarding work
This is not always true, based on human psychology.
I've noticed that since I'm merit source I also receive more merits. And it can't be that my post have become
that much better
There was a topic (I won't search now) about people getting inclined to give merits back from where they've received it. Back then I didn't think that's possible, now I tend to agree that it does happen.
So it can become rewarding as
position (merits received).
I think it is due to the fact that being also a source of merit, you have become even more attentive to how you write and what you write
consequently this responsibility has increased your quality of posts, consequently this plus other effects (such as gratitude) tend to increase in% the dose of merits received
there is no particular pattern, just a series of small things that happen and that concur in some particular cycles
look for example at me / fillippone / duesoldi, we are part of the Italian community, very small
we are trying to grow it, but in the end the active users are always around 40-50
in the end the ones talking are always the ones
I basically prefer (if I can choose) to give my merits according to this criterion (in order of importance)
- users with low rank
- users of the local board
unfortunately it is not always possible and at the end of the 30 days I have to spend the merits (otherwise they expire)
I prefer to give them to people who in turn spend the merits received in order to have a higher efficiency (from merits)
and therefore that they give them to others