I did not sell 800MNX when the price was $24 "haha"
Q1 AtomicSwap
Q2 Decentralized Minex Exchange
Q2 Web & Mobile Wallet
Q2 Minex Merchant
Q3 MinexMarket
Q3 MinexPlatform
Q3 GreenAlgo
And the most ambitious goal for 2018
Q4 Creation of a virtual, decentralized world computer,for developing own virtual Turing environment for performing smart-contracts in the Minexcoin network
what is the status of the product that I mentioned above?
did anyone work on the development of these products?
what are the new relase dates?
if you given up of some products ... state the reasons...
Why no one in the team does not mention nothing about these product?
I asked this question several times ... me and the people from my community are eagerly awaiting the official response
Did you get any official answer from the CSOB bank Twitter account?
You must to know, behind his TW account can be human from his marketing team or just basic support and they don't know about banks contract especially if they are not yet fully established.