I am guessing no one will listen, but I will see you guys at 10$ MNX in the next 2 weeks
Enjoy the dumping
Not bad, if MNX will reach the price $10 on the next 2 week i think people soon is selling it. this coin has long been in the crypto market and i think this coin must reach the price up to the moon.
Read the whitepaper, give up on this coin going to "the moon" Although it perfectly well has the potential to do so, there are systems in place to prevent that.
Do some math people. At the current interest rates offered, you double your coins every 4-5 months! That is a fucking moonshot RIGHT THERE. Any price increase, even to $25 has a huge increase in profit when you double your coins you bought around $20, considering you make 15% extra coins EVERY MONTH. The only thing you should do with MNX is add to you position in a dip, and keep parking, as long as the value stays above 10$ you will never lose money on MNX in the long run(and the longer you own and park the lower the price can go without losing a penny), and whenever the coin goes above $20 you will be in the significant profit zone. What other coins/tokens available can the price not move any and you make money? Very few, the masternodes, and those aren't near as profitable as Minexcoin without a price increase and you need to put up a significant upfront investment(ie:more risk) How hard is this for people to grasp??? Minexcoin is fucking amazing if it never goes up at all, it gives the small investor a way to receive great interest and benefit from the motion of the coin. The fact Minexcoin doesn't have a bigger following is completely baffling to me, there really is nothing like it available that I know of.
Then add in their own exchange, atomic swaps, one of the most responsive dev teams, a successful wallet with a 2.0 version coming out soon, the minexplatform in the future, and its ability to work on the lightning network. The fact is hasn't been adopted by more people is the main reason I have scam skepticism that everyone gets mad at me for discussing, but with all the good about the coin, it really should have a much bigger marketcap imho
The explanation for MNX not having a higher maketcap is very simple : no marketing.
1) On a strategic point of view, the current situation makes a lot of sense. For now, only people who know about MNX buy/sell MNX. Which means no NEW MONEY. The price CANNOT go up in such condition. This is simple math.
- The minexbank rates are here to maintain the price stability while the project is still young and the ecosystem is in the building process. So as to satisfy the very low volatility feature, it has to be this way.
- Once the ecosystem gets developed, they will start marketing slowly, bringing in new players, making the price rise.
- Interests rates wil then drop slowly, to a more sustainable value (for the Minexbank to be able to have a positive flow of MNX)
2) This means that the true gains for now are the parking rates while the price is maintained for the first stage. Then, when the project is more mature and marketing ready, we enter phase 2 with a focus on sustainability and new money
There will be no dump (BTC wise) because the 15% are too valuable. Who among us is able to guarantee a 15% profit everymonth? probaby very few people.
I have been with the team from the start, the first ICO. back then, there was barely any social media and everything was to be built (not even the team profile was published). at that point in time, it might have looked like a scam.
Nowadays, the project is so incredibly advanced compared to back then, that the scam question is but a distant memory.
Enjoy the high interest rates people, it will not last (sustainability of the MNX flow in/out of the minexbank)., I know I am !