I have been thinking about that model used here - constant network growth on each retarget. I don't think it's possible even for a year.
I created a chart with data from this year and +12% on each reatrget up to december 2014. That's exponential growth up to 26,000 Thash by the end of next year (dec 2014)! Just make a chart with all that data and you will see that sharp exponential growth.
I don't see how all that hash power can be added in a year. I see something like linear growth up to 3,000 or maybe 5,000 Thash in that time.
EDIT: uploaded a (stacked) chart https://www.dropbox.com/s/5o66n1h13eccdmb/hashrate12.png
EDIT2: and another speculation, 3PH next year: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rage8ununtfowom/hashrate-3P.png
I pointed this out to some person in a different thread. I think he was using a a fixed 30% increase, and one of the increases he had calculated meant adding 2 million Th/s.
Basically, there's a maximum hash rate that each company can bring online per time period and the sum of those values corresponds to the maximum change in difficulty.