Edit: I may have found it here (without SMOS Shortucuts) but I'm not 100%, if someone would confirm I would appreciate it.
Ethereum 29MH/s each Card
Siacoin 460 MH/s each Card
-mode 0 -epool stratum+tcp://eu2.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal 0x9b70fcff8d8291dc028f2dc6ea6612e10fa6721a -eworker WhiteIce -epsw x -mport 0 -allcoins 1 -allpools 1 -dpool stratum+tcp://us-west.siamining.com:7777 -dwal 11d44524e1203f6f6accae2ab7e1a7b3720fa3b6ad840eee13ccfe479ecd23800dd7e256c323.Yo urWorkerName -dcoin sia -dcri 16
Based on the default config in SMOS and the above config, here's what I've come up with:
-wd 1 -r 1 -epool stratum+tcp://eth-eu.dwarfpool.com:8008 -ewal $walletETH/$rigName -esm 0 -epsw x -allpools 1 -mport -3333 -allcoins 1 -allpools 1 -dpool stratum+tcp://us-west.siamining.com:7777 -dwal $walletSIA/$rigNam -dcoin sia -mport -3333
Does this look right?