I recently started to use SMOS I was planning dual mining ETH and SIA.
In interface there is a Claymore-eth-v9.4 but for dual mining it says claymore eth+sia (not recommended)
How can I dual mine ETH and SIA with SmOS?
that are old version, just use claymore-eth-v9.4 with
-epool eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal address.rig -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp://sia-eu1.nanopool.org:7777 -dwal address/rig/email -dcoin sia -dcri 120
Well I started Dual. Here are my results: 167.94 MH/s 2687.03 MH/s
ETH Only was 167.23 top. ETH increased a little with dual mining?
Power consumption increased approx. %22/200W when compared with ETH only.
How good or bad are these values?
Rig is louder and hotter now.
56 60 72 69 53 54 ℃
100 100 100 100 70 27 %
Don't know what is going on with one MSI RX 570 with %27 fans and much lower temp but still hashes good
Maybe I should enforce -fanmax or -tt to keep fans in lower RPMs.
I checked whattomine calculator with 2677 Mh/s of SIA with 200W consumption (as SIA added) and power costs 0.13 USD.
Calculator shows approx. 7 USD profit for SIA? Is this that simple? Does SIA dual mining really bring that much profit?
change the dcri value...the 120 was default...I don't know why you get with that 167+2687 because i get 40+4800, but i set my dcri to 10 and now have 175+1750
i set my target temp to 69 degrees do my fans work from 60 to 80%
your msi is probably the last one that inhales the cold air while the others draw the hot air
these are mine
67 67 67 67 68 60 ℃
65 61 82 67 53 47 %