Hello how are you?
I saw that the administrator no longer recommends version 8.1 of Claymore that I used to mine Eth + Sia.
Could you please help me with the command I should put in Claymore v9.4 to mine these two coins together?
Currently I use DwarfPool (Eth) and SiaMining (Sia) and I am 3 days trying to make it work, without success.
Try this... it works for me:
-dpool stratum+tcp://siamining.com -dwal $walletSC/$rigName -dcoin sia -dpsw x -dcri 16 -mport -3333 -allpools 1 -allcoins 1
...you might try to increase the -dcri value to get the max Sia speed without reducing your Ether mining speed.
I tried the command you posted and it is not working unfortunately none of the miners!
None of those options worked.
Now when this is a paid product, I'd expect a better support ...
I'm sad too.
Why not get BTC upfront when you send your hash for Sia hash rental at
stratum+tcp://sia.usa.nicehash.com:3360 ??
Unless you are collecting Sia coins and not interested in BTC (1 BTC = USD$2437)....