I just setup a new rig with:
-biostar tb85 motherboard with no settings changed
-3x visiontek Rex 480 8gb with GDDR5 Samsung memory
I flashed the bios using atiflash and the boysie driver from the ethereum forum. Here is the link:
I am getting 3-4 hash sometimes per card and sometimes 0 hash. I am not using an overclock and the only settings I changed were to add my wallet addresses and change it to mine to the dwarf pool server in the United States. I am running the default miner, the claymore ethereum.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated
Anyone? Have no idea how to fix
i would start with normal original flashed cards see if everything goes right then flash
I flashed because the same thing was happening with stock bios
So I would be cautious with that bios. I tried the same one because I thought I bought reference cards myself (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150770). This is what I bought because all the google research I used when looking for rx 480 reference took me to that card. I tried his bios and a few others and I would get the same thing, except my cards would sit around 7mh. What I had to do to find my exact card was take one of the cards, plug into windows, save the original bios and open it in polaris bios editor. Look at the SubID and Sub VendorID and write down the codes, I would then open other roms in polaris to find they were not the same IDs. After digging I found that my cards are actually xfx rx 480 triple x cards. I then took screenshots of his bios in polaris and tweaked my original backup rom to match it closely for memory, timing and volts. I was able to get low powered 28.6 out of my card after that. One extra step I took because I was told it was the best thing to do is I clicked reset on sapphire trixx for each card of mine even though they are a different brand it still works.
Not sure if this is the same issue you have, but just providing what I went through