Our solution is to split and distribute only in local network single rendering task among hundreds of GPU.
That's your problem there are 3rd party plugins available which do the exact same thing? what is the "Innovation" here? A true innovation would have been if you could have distributed the divided tasks across the internet. But that isn't the case. What are your plans for small miners? What if a miner who has 10K GPUs buys this plugin and get clients on his own? He wouldn't have to go through the trouble of exchanging tokens or staking any. This is one of the reasons you should start working on "Global" Version instead of just sticking with a "Local" Version.
Our software allows to run other tasks, while miner is not rendering. Mining is great example of such a task, it can be closed and restarted at any time. So miners can't earn less with Leonardo, they can only increase their income due to higher rendering profitability vs mining.
We are not sure where this $11K comes from but thisd is the answer:
Seriously? It says on your infographic. Here let me point that out.
Pixar may be moving, but there are still many tasks which can only be performed by a CPU, Rendering is not mining. GPUs currently can't meet the "precision" which CPUs are able to achieve. Hence why we haven't seen a total shift towards GPUs for rendering. As I said in my previous post. Only a handful of effects can be rendered via GPUs. CPUs are still here and they will be here for a decade more.
Hi, again.
When You talk about ''precision'' i am a bit confused.
It's the first time I hear that the CPU is more precise than a GPU. So I can't say anything about it.
But when You mention that ''precision'' is the reason why CPU is still used more than GPU i am sorry but You are wrong.
Big studios use CPU rendering because it's possible to combine RAM on CPU to extremely large numbers. So 100GB scenes can be hosted in large CPU render farms with huge RAM.
On the other side, GPU Ram cannot be summed. If a GPU has 11GB of RAM, it will only be able to host a scene that is Max 11GB of Ram. That's the real limitation of GPU.
So large studios will be able to render on GPU only when GPU producers will invent an hardware with 100GB of RAM. (I think V ray is working on something like this, to confirm my theory).
Now, You may say that BIG studios won't be interested in GPU rendering. Fair enough, if their scene is bigger than 11GB unfortunately we can't host.
But there are tens of millions of users that produce every day the same amount of media that Hollywood will probably produce in ten thousand years. Talking about:
Architects, Illustrators, Product designers, animators, Gaming Companies, Events Producers, Light Designers, Engineers, Car Producers, Boat Producers, Advertising Agencies......etc etc etc
All of them make our market, filling a nice 85% of the entire industry, and believe me, they hardly hit more than 12GB.
That's the story according to Leonardo.
ah, one more thing. about CPU precision.
Ask Tesla why the use GPU in self driving cars instead of CPU.