Also do you have wager-statistics available somewhere?
It's been tough to give an ETA because deadlines are created then always pushed back. On this coming Wednesday all of the developers were in agreement to create a final deadline. I'll share that information when it comes.
Wager statistics are available on the investment section of the account page. We'd like to do a lot more with this section and expand its functions for our users but this has taken a back seat to 2.0 development, ETH adoption, the rewards program and games development. So it's minimalist structure will probably remain this way for some time.
I am afraid if mintdice do not have any type of in house developer and working with others on per hour payment method, I am afraid they might be taking advantage of the situation, if it is fixed amount it could still be a bit of a problem where developers take other jobs in between. So, I hope it is inhouse, because if it is not this 1.5+ years development doesn't sound good.
I agree that it has been too long. We've had talks to stop this from happening and are creating resolutions to push our product forward. Security has, and continues to be our #1 priority, along with bug testing, but if anything we've taken this a bit too seriously which has harmed release development and pushes. So we are hopefully going to be able to get the product released soon enough. As stated earlier, I'll give notes from the developers call.
yeah, hard to give ETA as people will expect you to deliver in that timeframe. better do your best from your end, and release it as soon as you are able to. had promoted mintdice before and never had any prob with their management.
i hope mintdice team will look into the possibility of promoting their site again in the forum. as there are newcomers that are more aggressive in their marketing, people are seemingly forgetting the old ones, unless they are getting competitive rewards and bonuses.