Take your time in deciding which plan you want to enroll in. Make sure it really suits you.
We appreciate the feedback. Thank you.
Ok no problem. Just seen payment on blockchain.
https://blockchain.info/tx/1ca06ed5b23c3a1f2781a8eaa2bdd27947346d740bdc15851b5e185d93bd0a01 is in the list of addresses and seeing its unconfirmed but on its way. Thank you for payment on this will be looking to reinvest or maybe wait a little if you are planning on adding other plans in.
You're welcome. Take's a couple of minutes, depending on the amount of payments included in the batch.
edit: new plan's will be available soon in the future , but for now we are currently in process of adding new coins & features.
received cashout too..thanks op ... just reinvested again this time in the 105% plan...i prefer daily