Hallo Tinu,
Da ich immer noch keine Antwort habe!
Vielleicht kann mir Depp das mal jemand auf einfache Art erklären:
Jedesmall wenn die Anzahl der Poolshares die aktuelle Difficulty überschreiten (Aktuell 3,072,322) fangen meine persönlichen Shares an rückwärts zu laufen! Und somit ändern sich auch meine Estimate BTC und NMC, was sich dann auch auf die Auszahlung auswirkt!
Kann doch nicht sein, dass dies nur bei mir so ist!
Ich habe im Moment keine Zeit für ausführliche Erklärungen, warum & wieso werde ich hier am 1.Geburtstag des Pools (4.November) posten, deshalb nur ganz kurz per Copy & Paste aus dem Skype Chat mit dem Entwickler:
--- schnipp ---
[15:34:45] Rommel Estioco: we only keep 1/2 difficulty number of shares on the database... because the database contains valid shares and stales shares.... it fluctuates over time because the stale shares could be low or high....
[15:35:07] Rommel Estioco: assumming the 1/2 difficulty is 100 shares...
[15:35:43] Rommel Estioco: as the shares grow.... say 110 shares... we remove the first 10 shares....
[15:36:19] Rommel Estioco: the last 100 shares may have 5 stale shares more than the previous one....
[15:36:53] Rommel Estioco: so if we have on the previous as 90 valid and 10 stales.... and
[15:37:14] Rommel Estioco: on the last 100 shares after removing the first 10...
[15:37:50] Rommel Estioco: say we only have 85 shares because we have now 15 stale shares...
[15:38:58] Rommel Estioco: if we do not delete shares on the database and we keep 110 shares or more....
[15:39:18] Rommel Estioco: the round shares should be consistent on rising....
[15:40:02] Eckmar Eckel: Will this happen too, if we change to the new DGM distribution system?
[15:41:06] Rommel Estioco: i think sir... as long as we remove shares on the database.....
[15:41:28] Rommel Estioco: but there could be a workaround....
[15:41:39] Eckmar Eckel: Which one?
[15:42:47] Rommel Estioco: on DGM....
[15:43:32] Rommel Estioco: maybe we create another table... where we record the running valid and stale shares of each user....
[15:44:23] Rommel Estioco: so what we cound is no longer the shares table... but the value stored on the new table that contains the running total
[15:45:06] Rommel Estioco: it could also be done on our existing one....
[15:45:46] Eckmar Eckel: What is your estimate of workhours for this?
[15:46:50] Rommel Estioco: hmmmm... it is not an easy change...
[15:46:59] Rommel Estioco: at the most 2 days sir....
[15:47:52] Eckmar Eckel: We will not change the existing table, but we should make the new tables with the move to DGM distribution system end of November.
--- schnapp ---
Jetzt etwas klarer geworden?