So many posts while I wasn't looking...
I also agree the MSP should be powered by the power solution of the fpga.The level shifters would add adtitional parts and complicate things so we my use this in another version.
Careful: you are killing one of the original features here: if the MSP is not powered from the USB connector, then it cannot enable or disable the power for the FPGAs. This was (at least for me) an important feature. And I don't see the problem, actually: you just need an additional small switcher that hangs on the USB power pin and outputs 2.5V. No reason to talk about level shifters or anything.
Please guys, use a full unbroken GND plane for the entire board ( preferrably on layer 2 right below the FPGA )
The core voltage should also be a power plane under the fpga (layer 3 is best), extending out to the decoupling caps (as unbroken as possible). Feedback to the core regulator should come from the power plane so it "sees" what the fpga "feels" ^_^
I am sure you have a good reason for that recommendation, but as I am not an electrical engineer, I cannot guess at them, so please elaborate. Here are my reasons for choosing the layout I chose:
- My understanding was that normally the outer layers are the thicker ones (pcbcart can do it differently, but that seems to be the default). So I placed VCCINT and GND there.
- Most pads in the design need GND, so I placed that on top.
- The top layer cannot be used for routing signals at the location of the ball-grid array (too thick traces). So layer 2 is used for most routing needs.
- The feedback line of the switcher may carry quite a bit of noise to the FPGA (no decoupling caps there), so I would prefer to leave that local to the switcher and use more copper to keep the voltage drop between PSU and FPGA small.
[...]I think you misunderstood my thinking: the
2.5V Linear Regulator Drop-In suggested earlier can run on 5V. With efficiency listed at 87%, it obviously operates in switch-mode. If the MCU power+FPGA I/O is less than
2.5 2.17 Watts, bus power is doable without any level shifters. Last I checked, ATX power supplies can push over 5 Amps on the 5V rail. The motherboad would need a 20 (or 24) pin connector and traces for 5V.
Edit: Barrel connector option my be a problem here. When would that be used?
Edit: To answer that question: when you are using it in stand-alone mode and need extra power.
I said it above, but: you should probably get two sources of 2.5V: one for the MPU and one for the FPGA. The FPGA one gets switched by the MPU, the other one is "always on". As for power consumption: who knows? If we make strong use of the FPGAs internal frequency synthesizers, we would probably exceed your limit on the 2.5V line. Current HDL designs don't do that, but who knows what additional optimisations can be found in the SHA-code?
I might still be misunderstanding you, but I don't see how the USB current limit is relevant, we won't be powering any devices off of USB.
The MSP430 is powered by USB. But nothing else should be.
Being able to turn off individual FPGAs is a nice-to have option, but I am the only person really pushing for the idea, as far as I can tell. If the MCU can actually turn on its own power supply, I don't care what voltage the input is. [...]
As far as individual FPGAs are concerned: you are right. But as far as individual DIMMs are concerned: I wrote that in the preliminary, not ever formally accepted specs near the beginning of this thread.
- Asking for more power is done during enumeration, so you would need to have a way to only power the MCU until that has completed
- Devices asking for more than 100mA will be rejected if they're on a bus-powered hub
- USB has some crazy standby requirements which require the device to be able to go as low as 100µA within milliseconds. The MCU probably can't even be powered down deeply enough for that.
Exactly: an extra switcher for the MCU is needed. And the MCU won't go to standby: it either is on or off, not doing standby at all. The question is: how can we communicate this to the host in a sane way? How does the MCU power supply know when to power down the MCU, even if there is power on the USB pins?