Aktuelles Newsletter (Holder Update) von Modum ist auch gerade gekommen.
Here’s this year’s first Modum update. We’ll start with some notes on your participation certificates and then will share some company insights.
Participation Certificates (PC) Ownership and taxes: In December 2020 and in March 2021 we have sent you all the information you need to file your taxes, and to prove ownership of your amount of PC.
Email 1 “Dividend information”, sent on 18 December 2020: includes the attachment “Dividend Confirmation”, which proves your ownership and confirms the amount of your participation certificates, it also includes the date of issuance.
Email 2 “Information for Tax Statement 2020 – Modum Participation Certificates”, sent on 22 March 2021: includes the attachment “Depot Confirmation”, which describes that your PC are held in a safekeeping account at Devigus Engineering Ltd.
If you have questions on how to file your taxes, please check with your local tax advisor.
All emails are sent to the address provided by you during the token swap period. If the information is not correct anymore, please update your contact details here:
www.tokenswap.modum.io ISIN: We are still working on getting the ISIN for the PC and will keep you updated. What you will be able to do when we finally have the ISIN is solely to transfer your Participation Certificates to your personal bank deposit.
Annual General Meeting: A s a PC holder you will be invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will be held online in the first half of this year. You will receive an invite and instructions how to join the online meeting no later than 20 days prior to the AGM.
Company Update Many of you have asked how Modum is involved in the Covid-19 vaccine distribution, as the temperature sensitive vaccines and the fragile supply chain has been – and still is being – written about extensively. MODsense is a great solution when it comes to monitoring the temperature along a new supply chain but also for ensuring the integrity of documentation and preventing counterfeit activities, so we have received many inquiries from the industry. Mostly from smaller players, as many big players decided to use their existing manual monitoring infrastructure and focus on other problem areas given the pressure to deliver.
One constraint we do have given the operating range of MODsense from -20°C to 60°C, is that some vaccines such as the one from Pfizer/Biontech needs to be stored at -70°C. However, we are discussing monitoring and optimizing the distribution of the Moderna vaccine with some of our customers. Read more about the vaccine distribution in our blogpost.
We also extended MODsense with the ability not just to monitor transports, but also fridges and small storage rooms. A good example of how we use our MODsense solution for this is a customer with 14 medical centres across Switzerland that uses MODsense to monitor its fridges where the temperature sensitive products are stored and plans to extend MODsense to also monitor incoming distribution lanes from their pharma wholesaler as well as their outgoing courier service tours – end to end!
And last but no least, the Modum team is thriving. In January we were able to fill the open embedded engineering position and complement our product development team for our current phase.
Stay healthy and see you at the AGM!
Dann hoffe ich das sie das mit der ISIN so schnell als möglich hinbekommen, wenn die Aktien dann auf meinen Portfolio liegen, habe ich Steuerlich auch keine Probleme/Arbeit mehr damit...