Religion is the total believe of a group people on a particular being.
Most or everyone in the world today in which I am included believe in accumulating of wealth and making money.
More than Half of the life span of the human race is centred on making of money or wealth.
Making money legally or illegally, accumulating of wealth is the believe of most people in the world.
I stand to be corrected or cencitize
I guess religion is not the correct term to be used about the people who regularly finds some way to have money. All of us dreamt to be have plenty of money and to be wealthy lots of aspects in order to survive life in everyday living.
Being a wealthy status comes with a big burden also because you have a lot going on your mind like business on how to stay that wealthy but before you can achieve that state, the road to success is always hard and it's always under construction.
but whether we realize it or not, it is true that nowadays many people even deify money.
even money and wealth become a system of lifestyle that can not be separated. many people are willing to do anything even at the expense of others just for the sake of wealth.
even for the moral does not apply to some people who are already crazy about money.