To add a bit more clout to Mooncoin_Foundation's points; i've added some technicals to each answer
A lot of myths, like: PoW coins are not secure, Scrypt is not good, billion supply is bad...
And newbies think these myths are true and ignore MOON...
1) if PoW coins are not secure, why exchanges that have them listed - exist, work, earn money?
If it's easy to double spend Proof-of-Work coins, why bad people don't want to double spend them on exchanges and get this 'easy' money? Why exchanges let these coins be listed, if they can so easily be robbed? Have you ever thought about it, or just heard FUD from trolls and thought that all PoW coins were bad and not secure?
PoS is not superior in any way to the PoW algorithm; i'm not sure who perpetuates these claims.
A short time back, a client asked me to demonstrate a small example showing just how secure PoS is.
I released a small paper (only 4 pages) demonstrating a very quick and precise attack (including Proof of Concept), showing how easy it is to 'overwrite' a PoS block, with a PoW block.
In fact, i had trouble only overwriting one PoS block; i would always seem to do several in the process. Go figure.
I'm really not one to talk shit, and if this cops any flack whatsoever, I will be happy to post screenshots.
2) if Scrypt is not good, why do many mining pools have Scrypt coins listed? Why does DOGE (Scrypt) have a market cap $20 million+ and LTC (Scrypt) $188 million?
The scrypt (generally vs x11) argument is always a joke.
Scrypt so far, out of all the mining algorithms available to date, had had the longest mh/profitability rating of them all.
I invite anyone to scrape the profitability ratings from Nicehash, as far back as they like (Scrypt vs X11).
X11 has really gone to the toilet with the release (or some in the know would say re-release
) of the Baikal/PinIdea-style generation miners.
Re-release is a funny term to use.
To the uninitiated, it seems a mystery why the X11 market went to dirt in 2015.
The X11 equipment you are buying now has been in use for a long time.
Just this time around, manufacturers knew to either release only domestically for the meantime, and mine using their own products for much longer than previously seen. I'm using the term 'domestically', but i'm sure the readership can understand what I am saying between the lines.
On a much much much more technical basis, did you know that if X11's difficulty drops below a certain value; you can use Scrypt equipment to mine it? Hah.
3) what is wrong with the billion supply (except the biases and myths) can you ever say? No, no arguments, except myths that it will not work technically and other bs... How are you going to have BTC or LTC or ETH or XMR with their million supply adopted by the world which has several billion people? Have you ever tried to think long-term?
Looking at this from much much further back from the horizon.
We know that there are trillions of dollars in physical form; as we know them 'US Dollars'.
The US Government/Mint continues to print these with no additional gold/resources to back them whatsoever.
So in my eyes; a secured/interlinked currency with total cap in the billions (with an eventual
finite supply), is no problem whatsoever.
Your brutally barbaric dev,
barrystyle (james)