I don’t know why no one mentioned it above but Hamilton was one of its critic, and after it saved his life he suddenly began to sing praises of it which shows that Drivers don’t know it all, and they should chose carefully to oppose stuff when it comes to their safety. Furthermore do you think their duel is over, or we will see another crash between these two, but I do sincerely hope that they bury their differences and not repeat such stunts again.
We should not criticize the people who change their minds, that shows growth and maturity and you can be wrong at any time of your life and seeing the correct way and accepting it and praising it should be normal. If I think 2+2 is 5 and decline to say it is 4 but one day I realize it is 4, should I just keep ignoring and act like it is 5?
I should come out and accept that I was wrong and the correct answer is 4. Halo is great. Not sure if it would save Senna or not, probably but it is not guaranteed since it still has some open spots, but it would definitely an added safe for sure. Halo wasn't liked not because of safety, every racer would want more and more safety, it is a risky sport that people die, so safety is welcomed but it is right in front of the drivers, it probably took a while for people to get used to it, you can still see the track but drivers were afraid it would be not ideal for their sight, it was never about safety, they always welcomed that part.