Funniest thing I've seen on these forums. Lmao.
Saved you a spot on SS Murray - touring soon.
All nice guys, but what is goin on with the murrayfoundation, could you not hint if there is any positive results from all the telephone calls that have been made with this foundation? When are we getting an update? Will bill Murray talk to you guys? What if he doesn't what is your plan B?
Also could you clear up how much of an impact you would be able to make on the golftourney versus simply making a deal over the telephone.
I understand face to face contact is generally a lot better, but why do you think this will make the impact you are hoping for?
Serious questions from a serious supporter!
The earliest convenience would be the date set for the Golf Tournament, as I believe it's when Bill winds down promotions and moves onto the next, anything earlier would be half-assed.
In general, I would rather join a project / Invest in a project after having a face-to-face with the developer, as well as finding out he participated in one of MY projects and also donated to the cause - twice.
A telephone conversation, although a nice point of contact, does not do any justice or give confidence in a situation like this, where most participants are anonymous.
I have faith in bholzer's marketing tactics and experience, I believe he knows what he is doing and has put much thought into this.
Alienwalkerx is correct - it's possible we won't see a public announcement from the Murray Bros. Foundation until after the golf tournament next month. The annual golf tournament they put on is massive (easily their biggest project every year) and the logistics of organizing an event like this are almost inconceivable. When we decided on the Murraycoin launch date, we didn't realize just how staggeringly big this event is and the fact is that it is certainly stealing some of our early thunder. We thoroughly planned everything out but like everything in life you can't always anticipate every variable. Things continue to progress as expected but we are certainly behind schedule a bit on the marketing portion - to us, it doesn't make sense to dedicate time and resources to marketing until the biggest questions have been answered via public statements from the foundation...and the foundation doesn't understand the urgency of this announcement to early Murraycoin investors. My word only carries so much weight and we are at the mercy of their timelines to make certain bits of information public. The Murray Bros. Foundation has no intention of unloading their MRY in the near future so from their perspective it doesn't make sense to make an announcement and get buried with questions from the public (primarily the non-crypto public) trying to understand what they are referring to right in the middle of planning their biggest event of the year.
We have not talked to Bill Murray himself...but honestly, that would just be a bonus at this point. Bill Murray is notoriously impossible to contact and Bill Murray is going to do what he wants to do - the guy is insanely busy and we certainly do not intend to push the issue. Our top concern was ensuring the legal aspects were covered and we have satisfied that requirement. The next step is a public announcement from the Murray Bros. Foundation (hopefully in the near future) stating their consent and support of The Murraycoin Project. At that point, they may begin to understand what a massive impact Bill Murray's direct involvement and (even minimal) promotion of Murraycoin would do to the value of their donations. There has yet to be a celebrity-endorsed cryptocurrency (I don't count Max as a true celebrity) and we would be looking at a previously unprecedented spike in value.
We are going to the golf tournament to promote Murraycoin in general - there is no guarantee I will even get face time with Bill Murray (although I certainly hope, and am confident I will, have the opportunity.) We're talking about a guy that has spent the last 40 years getting pitched ideas on the phone by people he has never met - the fact that I'm willing to travel to the opposite side of the country for 2 days for the chance to speak to him in person will, if nothing more, show how serious we are about connecting with him. I would be happy to chat with him on the phone, but I don't want the Murraycoin grand slam to be at the mercy of me sitting around waiting for a phone call that might never come.
All of your questions are valid...and I leave you with these facts:
There will be no legal issues with Murraycoin. Answers will come soon enough...but I said it on day one and it's the same story 35 days later. If you aren't investing in Murraycoin because you think there is going to be a lawsuit, you are missing out on some bargain prices because it's amazing how many people do not understand what I'm saying and are missing out on this opportunity. Take advantage of this skepticism and lack of information (I will admit that I have) and understand that if there was a chance for legal conflict, I would have never been a part of this project. The silver lining of the feet-dragging on the official announcements is that this coin is currently trading for a fraction of what it will be worth after a single Tweet (I wish I could guarantee this Tweet was imminent.)
Murraycoin is trading well below projected market value for a coin with its specifications and that's before you even factor in the potential of Bill Murray deciding to actively promote Murraycoin. 99% of altcoins out there are terrible long-term investments, very few are raising money for a good cause, and Murraycoin is the only altcoin that could potentially have Bill Murray endorsing and even promoting it.
Bill Murray's personal involvement is no guarantee...but if we have a strong, positive community supporting Murraycoin I don't see any way he can say "no." Right now half of the chatter surrounding Murraycoin is naive individuals likening it to Coinye, people with a personal vendetta against me that tried to derail Murraycoin with false information early, people with competing currencies spreading misinformation as part of their agenda, and a handful of supporters that are willing to place their trust in our team and approach Murraycoin with an open mind. Everything about The Murraycoin Project was intended to be a fun, positive way to raise money for a good cause while bringing some integrity back into cryptocurrency...but unfortunately, the cryptocurrency community is full of people with agendas quick to tear down anything they view as a threat and, while a number of people in the Murraycoin community remain positive and excited, there is plenty of negativity, misinformation, and fear surrounding this project. It's a lot easier to close your mind than to open it.
I can't force anybody to do anything and right now, the biggest concerns surrounding Murraycoin cannot be extinguished by me. My advice is that if you are concerned about investing in Murraycoin, don't do it until you have all of the facts you need to feel comfortable. While it's great that you can pick up Murraycoin right now at bargain prices, it isn't worth it if the lingering questions are going to keep you awake at night. If you are already invested in Murraycoin and you are concerned, by all means hedge your bets and sell some of your holdings. When the announcements are made, I fully expect prices to skyrocket...but even this is only speculation. Just be aware that I'm not trying to pull anybody out of their comfort zone - I brought you Murraycoin and fully intend for everybody invested in Murraycoin to be rewarded but speculation is speculation. Answers will come...but unfortunately the timeline is outside of my control (and already has gone beyond the timeline I initially anticipated.)
I'm currently buying Murraycoin...but that doesn't mean you have to do the same. We are doing everything possible to push things forward as quickly as possible...but there are a lot of components to this process and it isn't as simple as all other altcoins - the side-effect is that no other altcoin offers the same potential Murraycoin does. We are in this for the long haul and if you haven't realized it by now, Murraycoin is certainly better suited for patient investors. I wish I could promise you the world but right now we're all in this together - we are witnessing history in the making. My
guess is things will be coming together soon