It's now been 1 week since I requested a JPY Domestic Withdraw. It is for 10k Yen and still shows as "Confirmed."
So it does not appear that their SWIFT limit is the problem.
Also, 10 SWIFT transfers a day is BS, I've sent more than that in a day (I don't routinely do it, but nobody at my bank cares if i want to make 10 SWIFT transfers...).
Just to confirm once again, I have USD SWIFT Wire pending since 6/17 (6 figures), EUR SWIFT to Poland, EUR SEPA to Poland, and JPY to domestic japanese bank.
NONE of these have come through yet.
I'm going to go ahead and cancel a few of my withdraws and just take the hit to withdraw bitcoin. I don't see the situation at gox getting any better.
Can someone please ask MagicalTux on IRC about JPY domestic transfers. There would seem to be no excuse for delayed JPY transfers other than liquidity problems.
This is the only report I've seen about delayed transfer of JPY to Japan. Everyone else seem to have their money in their account on the next day. Perhaps there is a queue issue? As long as the previous withdrawals are stuck in queue, the later JPY transfer will not be executed? This is pure speculation, of course. I would contact support. If it fails, contact Mark on IRC when he is awake.
By the way -- sending 10 SWIFT transfers on
one day is not the same as sending 10
every day. Of course I wish we knew more about the reason for this limit.