
Topic: Muslim BS - page 4. (Read 5605 times)

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Activity: 770
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September 25, 2014, 07:40:42 PM
I can not explain in English why Muhammed got 9 wifes in same time so take this and try to translate.
Sorry you was right about he got 9 wifes but when i read i found a reason and a strong reason not because Muhammed love women, im sure he love women like any human but not about sex.

I hope you read this and know why.

1-الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم -منذ نشأته و حتى سن 25 كان أعزبا .2-الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم من سن 25 إلى 50 (وهي فورة الشباب ) متزوج سيدة أكبر منه بـ 15 سنة ومتزوجة من قبل برجلين ولها اولاد .3-الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم - من سن 50 إلى 52 سنة من غير زواج حزنا ووفاء لزوجته الأولى .4- الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم - من سن 52 إلى 60 تزوج عدة زوجات لأسباب سياسية ودينية واجتماعية سنأتي على تفصيلها فيما بعد . إذاً ...


وهل من المعقول للرجل المحب للزواج أن يتزوج في فورة شبابه من ثيب تزوجت مرتين من قبله ويمكث معها 25 سنة من غير أن يتزوج بغيرها .


ثم يمكث سنتين من غير زواج وفاء وتكريما لها !


ثم إنه عليه الصلاة والسلام عند زواجه بعد السيدة خديجة تزوج السيدة سودة وكان عمرها (80) سنة حيث كانت اول أرملة في الإسلام - واراد عليه الصلاة والسلام أن يكرمها ويكرم النساء اللواتي مثلها حيث ابتدا بنفسه ولم يأمر صحابته بزواجها , بل هو عليه الصلاة والسلام قام بتكريمها بنفسه ليكون هذا العمل الإنساني قدوة من بعده .


بعد ما قلناه نخلص إلى النتيجة التالية :


الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم - تزوج بطريقتين :1- محمد الرجل (تزوج بالسيدة خديجة ) .2- محمد الرسول (تزوج باقي نسوته ) .


- صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه دائما وأبدا إلى يوم الدين .


----------------------------------------------------------------ولنسأل السؤال التالي :


-هل الرسول محمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم - هو الوحيد الذي عدد أم أن هنالك انبياء عددوا أيضا ؟ الجواب نعم .


لقد عدد المرسلون والأنبياء - صلى الله علسه وسلم كسيدنا إبراهيم وسيدنا داود وسليمان - صلوات الله وسلامه عليهم أجمعين .


وهذا مكتوب في الكتب السماوية كلها ,فلماذا يهاجمنا بها الغرب , وهم معترفون أصلا ومكتوبة عندهم !


-----------------------------------------------------------------نأتي الى أن ذكر الدواعي السياسية والإجتماعية والدينية التي دعت الرسول لتعديد زوجاته :


أولا : توريث الإسلام والدعوة بدقة تفاصيلهما وخصوصياتهما (كالصلاة وحركاتها ) فلا بد من دخول ناس لبيت الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم- لنقل التفاصيل المطلوبة لتعليم الأمة .


فأراد الله - عزوجل - بزواج الرسول من السيدة عائشة حيث كانت صغيرة تتعلم منه الكثير بحكم سنها (والعلم في الصغر كالنقش على الحجر ) وعاشت بعده 42 سنة تنشر العلم .والحديث في علم السيدة عائشة يطول حيث أنها كانت أعلم الناس بالفرائض والنوافل .



وإجمالي عدد الأحاديث المروية عن زوجات الرسول - عليه الصلاة والسلام - 3000 حديث أما زواج السيدة عائشة وهي صغيرة فقد كان متعارف عند العرب ما أن تبلغ الفتاة بسرعة حتى يقومون بتزويجها بل عن الروم والفرس أيضاً .


ثانيا : تأصيل العلاقة بين الصحابة وتشبيكها مما يؤدي إلى تماسك الامة فها هو عليهالصلاة والسلام يتزوج بابنة أبي بكر رضى الله عنه . ويزوج ابنتيه لسيدنا عثمان رضى الله عنه .والبنت الثالثة لسيدنا علي رضى الله عنه .


ثالثا : الرحمة بالارامل حيث تزوج الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم - من الأرامل (السيدة سودة وأم سلمة وأم حبيبة ) .


رابعا: استكمال تشريع الإسلام حيث يقوم الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم بالفعل بنفسه ليكون قدوة واسوة للمسلمين من بعده .


سواء كان بتكريم الأرامل أو الرحمة بمن اسلم من غير المسلمين كزواجه بصفية بنت حيي بن أخطب رضي الله عنهما بعدما أسلم أبوها ورفعة لشأنه عند حاسديه من اليهود عليهم لعنة الله والملائكة والناس أجمعين .



خامسا : محبة الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم - لعقد الصلة والرابطة بين أقطار الأرض كلها حيث أراد بزواجه من السيدة ماريا المصرية أن يؤلف بلدا بأكمله .


والرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام تزوج السيدة جويرية حتى يسلم بنو المصطلق حيث كانوا أسرى بيد المسلمين بعد غزوة بني المصطلق . والقصة معروفة لديكم .


----------------------------------------------------------------------------بعد هذا العرض نأتي للخاتمة ...


فلماذا نترك كل خصوصيات الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم - فلا نطبقها ؟ ونأتي لهذه الخاصية ونطبقها ؟


وإن أحب أحد أن يعدد ويقتدي بالنبي - صلوات الله وسلامه عليه - فليكمل الإقتداء ولتكن دواعي زواجه كدواعي زواج النبي صلوات الله وسلامه عليه ليكتمل الاجر وينتفي الإثم الذي حذر منه الله عز وجل (ولن تستطيعوا أن تعدلوا بين النساء ولو حرصتم فلا تميلوا كل الميل فتذروها كالمعلقة وإن تصلحوا وتتقوا فإن الله كان غفورا رحيما ) .سورة النساء 129 .

sr. member
Activity: 770
Merit: 250
September 25, 2014, 07:33:50 PM

Muhammad had 12 wives in total, 9 of which still alive at his death and all of which married to him. Inform yourself better about your religion!

When it was "revealed" the maximum should be 4 wives, after a small riot amongst Mo's wives* (again, it goes around Mo's personal life) he was "exempt" from such rule.

About the 4 witnesses, you already have the Bukhari source and the reason why 4... if 4 came it would be 5, if 5, 6 and so on...

* When Mo married his 9th wife he spent too much time with her, leaving the other 8 upset.

Im muslim and i know Islam better than you.
Its up to you believe it or not
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 25, 2014, 07:29:44 PM

Muhammad had 12 wives in total, 9 of which still alive at his death and all of which married to him. Inform yourself better about your religion!

When it was "revealed" the maximum should be 4 wives, after a small riot amongst Mo's wives* (again, it goes around Mo's personal life) he was "exempt" from such rule.

About the 4 witnesses, you already have the Bukhari source and the reason why 4... if 4 came it would be 5, if 5, 6 and so on...

* When Mo married his 9th wife he spent too much time with her, leaving the other 8 upset.
sr. member
Activity: 770
Merit: 250
September 25, 2014, 07:24:36 PM
CoinCollect, CoinCollect... how to explain this to you?... Under Sharia, not rational even if majority muslim countries - like Malaysia, Indonesia and so, you will need 4 male witnesses to prove rape. Otherwise the woman will be confessing to had extra-marital sex and things will turn ugly... to her.

The 4 witnesses thing came after Aisha, Muhammad's baby-bride, when she was about 13 got lost and was picked by a 15 yo boy and spent the night with him. 3 guys saw it and start talking about the horned prophet, so he came up with 4 witnesses... I wonder if 100 guys saw Aisha with the boy, maybe it would take 101 witnesses or so.
Just cross the Hadeeth with Quran... it turns so clear how much of "as we go" Islam was made of. And there's nothing "holy" to it, Allah knows nothing Muhammad himself didn't knew.
And what to say about the 4 wives limit, when Muhammad had 9 and Allah conveniently made an exception to him. So he kept his 9, the rest only 4...
Im sorry to say you are again wrong and get any proofs of these what you are talking about.

about the 4 witnesses thing its about Zina, to prove Zina and not rape you got me ?? not rape but Zina, is haveing sex with someone who's not your wife/housbad. Rape is rapping a girl for example.

About wifes Muhammed did not have 9 wifes in same time, This is not allowed for Muhammed and for all muslims, but you can deforce one women and get another, The max number you can have is 4 in same time.
if you want one more then you have to deforce other women, and there is a strict rules about that all you need to read more about this and read only trusted sources.

You guys just know bullshit, please do not say something you do not sure, Just search on internet how many one in Egypt got killed by law for rapping a girl.

But Zina to prove that someone did a Zina, you have to get 4 witnesses not 3 not 2, Zina in Arab countries is a big thing and sometimes ending with kill both of Man and women. Im not saying Mulsim countries im saying Arab countries because christian do the same its something related to tradition, Also In sharea the both of Zina got killed. So that's why to prove Zina you need 4 legit witnesses men. Its hard to prove Zina for sure because the consequence very very big as you can see.
Btw there is a difference if the Both of zina are married to other peoples they get killed if they arenot they get 100 lashes.

But for my info i think this only performs in Saudi and more liitle counties in Egypt i think no rules about Zina or im not sure to be honest.

So Again 4 witnesses thing is to prove Zina.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 25, 2014, 07:23:24 PM
Al-Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 462:

Here you go... when you cross the Hadeeth with Quran there goes the "mysticism" down the drain. Allah just "reveals" what was convenient to old Mo.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 504
September 25, 2014, 07:14:55 PM
we have Strict law when it comes about rapping.

Damn it, what about Lowkey?
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 504
September 25, 2014, 07:11:20 PM
CoinCollect, CoinCollect... how to explain this to you?... Under Sharia, not rational even if majority muslim countries - like Malaysia, Indonesia and so, you will need 4 male witnesses to prove rape. Otherwise the woman will be confessing to had extra-marital sex and things will turn ugly... to her.

The 4 witnesses thing came after Aisha, Muhammad's baby-bride, when she was about 13 got lost and was picked by a 15 yo boy and spent the night with him. 3 guys saw it and start talking about the horned prophet, so he came up with 4 witnesses... I wonder if 100 guys saw Aisha with the boy, maybe it would take 101 witnesses or so.
Just cross the Hadeeth with Quran... it turns so clear how much of "as we go" Islam was made of. And there's nothing "holy" to it, Allah knows nothing Muhammad himself didn't knew.
And what to say about the 4 wives limit, when Muhammad had 9 and Allah conveniently made an exception to him. So he kept his 9, the rest only 4...

Do you have a source for that story?

I never read anything like it when I took my religious studies class about two years ago
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 25, 2014, 07:08:53 PM
CoinCollect, CoinCollect... how to explain this to you?... Under Sharia, not rational even if majority muslim countries - like Malaysia, Indonesia and so, you will need 4 male witnesses to prove rape. Otherwise the woman will be confessing to had extra-marital sex and things will turn ugly... to her.

The 4 witnesses thing came after Aisha, Muhammad's baby-bride, when she was about 13 got lost and was picked by a 15 yo boy and spent the night with him. 3 guys saw it and start talking about the horned prophet, so he came up with 4 witnesses... I wonder if 100 guys saw Aisha with the boy, maybe it would take 101 witnesses or so.
Just cross the Hadeeth with Quran... it turns so clear how much of "as we go" Islam was made of. And there's nothing "holy" to it, Allah knows nothing Muhammad himself didn't knew.
And what to say about the 4 wives limit, when Muhammad had 9 and Allah conveniently made an exception to him. So he kept his 9, the rest only 4...
sr. member
Activity: 770
Merit: 250
September 25, 2014, 06:38:42 PM
I heard Pakistan outlawed DNA testing to prove rape

Im not Pakitanian so i do not know, but here in my country they allow DNA Test and we have Strict law when it comes about rapping.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 504
September 25, 2014, 02:49:48 PM
I heard Pakistan outlawed DNA testing to prove rape

sr. member
Activity: 770
Merit: 250
September 25, 2014, 02:14:31 PM
Islam is so simple believe me, i pray to god, I fast Ramadan, do not gamble, do not drink alcohol. and everything else i do like any other humens, Islam is a not a Withhold freedoms im feeling freedoma and everything Smiley))
sometimes i gamble, and sometimes i lie like any other people, those are easy mistakes and you can regret to god no probllem, but the big mistake that god can not forgive easy is ( 1- Killing people with no rights 2- Zina )

That's what im talking about Islam never order Muslims to kill non muslims and Quran strongly refused that.

That people you are saw in Media who cut people heads and saying Allah Akbar they are not a muslims maybe wegibbi or whatever in a muslim country like my country Egypt we are fighting them, they kill our soldiers and we are muslims so that's no Islam, god know who are those people and why they fuck the world.

Sayyid Qutb put to death for being a terrorist in Egypt 1966 so yes i agree with you in this point. Smiley

So, sex before marriage is a sin greater than raping girls?

Stop puting words in my mouth please, Raping girls is a crime in Quran and in our rules, In Muhammeds Sharea raping girls the most big crime with deserve death. We still have this in rules, Rapist sentenced to death in life and after death for sure he will be in hell.
So raping girls is a sin greater than Zina for sure.

But you just said that the two greatest sins were Zina and Murder :S

Very interesting.  CoinCollect the issue was the "need for 4 male witnesses" to convict for rape, which makes it basically impossible to convict, even though guilt might be obvious.

Are you saying that Muslim does not need the 4 witnesses?  Or that in Egypt this is not Sharia but secular law?

Mate he misundertood it, the "need for 4 male witnesses" is only to prove Zina not rape, for Rape there is other methods to prove it bro, this Police work, etc...

But the 4 male witnesses in Sharia to prove Zina not rape or anything like this. I do not know where he get such infos.
Activity: 2926
Merit: 1386
September 25, 2014, 02:07:10 PM
Islam is so simple believe me, i pray to god, I fast Ramadan, do not gamble, do not drink alcohol. and everything else i do like any other humens, Islam is a not a Withhold freedoms im feeling freedoma and everything Smiley))
sometimes i gamble, and sometimes i lie like any other people, those are easy mistakes and you can regret to god no probllem, but the big mistake that god can not forgive easy is ( 1- Killing people with no rights 2- Zina )

That's what im talking about Islam never order Muslims to kill non muslims and Quran strongly refused that.

That people you are saw in Media who cut people heads and saying Allah Akbar they are not a muslims maybe wegibbi or whatever in a muslim country like my country Egypt we are fighting them, they kill our soldiers and we are muslims so that's no Islam, god know who are those people and why they fuck the world.

Sayyid Qutb put to death for being a terrorist in Egypt 1966 so yes i agree with you in this point. Smiley

So, sex before marriage is a sin greater than raping girls?

Stop puting words in my mouth please, Raping girls is a crime in Quran and in our rules, In Muhammeds Sharea raping girls the most big crime with deserve death. We still have this in rules, Rapist sentenced to death in life and after death for sure he will be in hell.
So raping girls is a sin greater than Zina for sure.

But you just said that the two greatest sins were Zina and Murder :S

Very interesting.  CoinCollect the issue was the "need for 4 male witnesses" to convict for rape, which makes it basically impossible to convict, even though guilt might be obvious.

Are you saying that Muslim does not need the 4 witnesses?  Or that in Egypt this is not Sharia but secular law?
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 504
September 25, 2014, 01:49:35 PM
Islam is so simple believe me, i pray to god, I fast Ramadan, do not gamble, do not drink alcohol. and everything else i do like any other humens, Islam is a not a Withhold freedoms im feeling freedoma and everything Smiley))
sometimes i gamble, and sometimes i lie like any other people, those are easy mistakes and you can regret to god no probllem, but the big mistake that god can not forgive easy is ( 1- Killing people with no rights 2- Zina )

That's what im talking about Islam never order Muslims to kill non muslims and Quran strongly refused that.

That people you are saw in Media who cut people heads and saying Allah Akbar they are not a muslims maybe wegibbi or whatever in a muslim country like my country Egypt we are fighting them, they kill our soldiers and we are muslims so that's no Islam, god know who are those people and why they fuck the world.

Sayyid Qutb put to death for being a terrorist in Egypt 1966 so yes i agree with you in this point. Smiley

So, sex before marriage is a sin greater than raping girls?

Stop puting words in my mouth please, Raping girls is a crime in Quran and in our rules, In Muhammeds Sharea raping girls the most big crime with deserve death. We still have this in rules, Rapist sentenced to death in life and after death for sure he will be in hell.
So raping girls is a sin greater than Zina for sure.

But you just said that the two greatest sins were Zina and Murder :S
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
September 25, 2014, 01:48:43 PM
#58 lists this as one of the most active threads on the whole forum.

A bunch of idiots insulting each other about whose team has the best made up stories.

Jesus. Or Pikachu. Or whoever.

(How did I do?)
sr. member
Activity: 770
Merit: 250
September 25, 2014, 01:25:14 PM
Islam is so simple believe me, i pray to god, I fast Ramadan, do not gamble, do not drink alcohol. and everything else i do like any other humens, Islam is a not a Withhold freedoms im feeling freedoma and everything Smiley))
sometimes i gamble, and sometimes i lie like any other people, those are easy mistakes and you can regret to god no probllem, but the big mistake that god can not forgive easy is ( 1- Killing people with no rights 2- Zina )

That's what im talking about Islam never order Muslims to kill non muslims and Quran strongly refused that.

That people you are saw in Media who cut people heads and saying Allah Akbar they are not a muslims maybe wegibbi or whatever in a muslim country like my country Egypt we are fighting them, they kill our soldiers and we are muslims so that's no Islam, god know who are those people and why they fuck the world.

Sayyid Qutb put to death for being a terrorist in Egypt 1966 so yes i agree with you in this point. Smiley

So, sex before marriage is a sin greater than raping girls?

Stop puting words in my mouth please, Raping girls is a crime in Quran and in our rules, In Muhammeds Sharea raping girls the most big crime with deserve death. We still have this in rules, Rapist sentenced to death in life and after death for sure he will be in hell.
So raping girls is a sin greater than Zina for sure.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 504
September 25, 2014, 12:29:00 PM
Islam is so simple believe me, i pray to god, I fast Ramadan, do not gamble, do not drink alcohol. and everything else i do like any other humens, Islam is a not a Withhold freedoms im feeling freedoma and everything Smiley))
sometimes i gamble, and sometimes i lie like any other people, those are easy mistakes and you can regret to god no probllem, but the big mistake that god can not forgive easy is ( 1- Killing people with no rights 2- Zina )

That's what im talking about Islam never order Muslims to kill non muslims and Quran strongly refused that.

That people you are saw in Media who cut people heads and saying Allah Akbar they are not a muslims maybe wegibbi or whatever in a muslim country like my country Egypt we are fighting them, they kill our soldiers and we are muslims so that's no Islam, god know who are those people and why they fuck the world.

Sayyid Qutb put to death for being a terrorist in Egypt 1966 so yes i agree with you in this point. Smiley

So, sex before marriage is a sin greater than raping girls?
sr. member
Activity: 770
Merit: 250
September 25, 2014, 11:45:45 AM
Islam is so simple believe me, i pray to god, I fast Ramadan, do not gamble, do not drink alcohol. and everything else i do like any other humens, Islam is a not a Withhold freedoms im feeling freedoma and everything Smiley))
sometimes i gamble, and sometimes i lie like any other people, those are easy mistakes and you can regret to god no probllem, but the big mistake that god can not forgive easy is ( 1- Killing people with no rights 2- Zina )

That's what im talking about Islam never order Muslims to kill non muslims and Quran strongly refused that.

That people you are saw in Media who cut people heads and saying Allah Akbar they are not a muslims maybe wegibbi or whatever in a muslim country like my country Egypt we are fighting them, they kill our soldiers and we are muslims so that's no Islam, god know who are those people and why they fuck the world.

Sayyid Qutb put to death for being a terrorist in Egypt 1966 so yes i agree with you in this point. Smiley
Activity: 2926
Merit: 1386
September 25, 2014, 11:27:52 AM
Im trying to answer your all questions to just show you that you do not know the real Islam.

Cool, well that's why I ask the question.  When you say "illiberal" we might use the word "conservative" or (for the Christian illiberal) "fundamentalist".  By "illiberal" you mean like Wahibbi? 

Yes you are right that's a wehibbi thoughts not all muslims wehibbi and in my opnions they know nothing about Islam.
Well now that's beginning to make sense.  You are a moderate Muslim. 

Likely you share my belief then that the enemy is those who follow teachings of Sayyid Qutb.
sr. member
Activity: 770
Merit: 250
September 25, 2014, 09:50:05 AM
One more thing, all your posts you insult Islam and Mulsims but i never did and i never insult your religion so yes this is the dfference between Muslims and not.

Don't open your fucking mouth muslim. That's the way you live Smiley

That's a terrible way to live, and technically, he never opened his mouth. He was typing.
Reminder.  This thread is about Muslim BS, not the religion or the hate of it and such.  Take the hates somewhere else please.


-music is haram
-dating is haram
-having friends of opposite gender is haram
-waxing eyebrows is haram
-men must sit down on the toilet always
-must enter bathroom with left foot
-prayers are no good if a woman, dog or donkey pass by

The last one confuses me.  I've just never been much attracted to dogs or donkeys....

Hey CoinCollect, man.  You are in the culture what this about it do you find that are ridiculous?

I grew up Catholic, I can tell you lots of ridiculous things about that.

I want to tell you something, these all what illiberal in Islam saying, i never find such things in Quran, Im as a muslim guy listening to music, have a girl friend ( No sex before we get mirrage btw becuase this is in my Quran )
waxing eyebrows is haram yes, this is the only one i can see in Quran.

The problem in Media, its make Islam very very difficult, believe me its very simple, and if the Islam is that difficult why we all will defend it now ?

Im trying to answer your all questions to just show you that you do not know the real Islam.

Not too long ago you were against a man having a girlfriend, remember?

I'm against having sex before marriage. that's what Islam saying.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 504
September 25, 2014, 09:35:57 AM
I'm not a Muslim, but my understanding of why eyebrow waxing and most make-up is considered haram is related to a distraction of God's beauty. This is not a belief shared by all Muslims. But for some, a painting of a beautiful woman is a vain celebration of flesh over God's beauty. Islamic art celebrates the beauty found in mathematical patterns. These patterns are seen as part of a universal truth created by God and are only discovered by people.

There are other passages in the Koran and other Islamic books concerning make-up that can be problematic for some Muslims. For example some believe that make-up is ok as long as water can pass through it. Henna, for example, is OK in this interpretation. I also see women in the region who get their nails done then chip off some of the nail polish so that water can get past it.   

I'm not going to ask my wife to shave her legs or armpits, because it's a distortion of God's beauty
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