
Topic: My random thought blog - page 15. (Read 8077 times)

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August 21, 2023, 09:18:49 AM
Those watching the economic circumstances of the people at large, with centralised banking will not last, as they are enlisting an army of tax collectors.  The art of empthay weaponization will collapse. Judges who have bias will clearly not represent any justice. The flight to safety of better money by people, not centralised authority Will result in majority of trades not taxed. A free world will result.

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Activity: 1223
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August 20, 2023, 01:44:38 PM
An invitation to repent- Deuteronomy 31.6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

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Activity: 1223
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August 18, 2023, 06:12:34 PM
Economic arbitrage between the dollar and every other centrally controlled currencies is possible because enough people want to be controlled, that they even pen music to their debt slavery via taxation.
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Activity: 1223
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August 15, 2023, 05:50:58 AM
Yesterday was regrettably, a missed opportunity for advancing my honeybees. Owning hives of honeybees is a responsiblity which can be sweet. One of the many items on a to do list, for me is to replicate the US dollars underlining valuation methodology using real estate assets. Of course the substitution method I'm referring to is with beehives. Installed with plastic hive bodies and metal covers, the depreciation rate of the actual hardware should be comparable to the best in zoning code practices required in the US real estate market.
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Activity: 1223
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August 09, 2023, 04:46:01 AM
Net worth being determined by network, makes the potential net worth, of a system of money secured on an actual network, much more promising than one which is not. When trades occur, whether in foreign exchange or otherwise, controls do not exist between the actors involved at the nation state level.  Corruption is considered as a potential requirement to accomplish anything. Within the newer, better money, corruption won't have such a place. Anyone who operates in leadership who casts such a standard on others within these systems of networked money, will be highlighting themselves as an untrustworthy actor. Your best bet is to never give anyone a reason to question your integrity. In as much as You can control others perception of the intentions, using a networked type of money is preferable to not. Your net worth will follow the network.
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Activity: 1223
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August 07, 2023, 08:14:08 AM
The government debt slave patrol is so insidious, that should you question the benefit versus expense level to which it has gone, the constitutes within in it who feel justified by it, will demand a medical diagnosis which limits the legal rights you are even written plainly into the constitution. Despite the many laws and legal precedent which already remove constitutional protections. The People of the nation demand that same sex couples can be legally married, but you must get a divorce prior to taking another legal partner.  Plants that where given by God to grow for the good of mankind are legally prohibited but manufactured drugs intended to be administered by injection are mandated. The government can get out of my health and wealth. Be gone!
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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August 05, 2023, 12:03:44 AM
The public debt making everyone a debt slave, reqiires a slave patrol service. This is the so called justice system. Police enforcement of things like seatbelts or prohibited substances. A debt slave patrol that puts government right into your health and wealth.
hero member
Activity: 1223
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July 31, 2023, 07:07:18 PM
Winning the lottery is a ticket in many people's minds to the money they need to change their circumstances. Their mindset is that money can buy something of importance for them. The ones who control the legally tendered central bank fiat have demonstrated in a full blown martial law manner that their money will be the way to eternal life, whether you like it or not.

Do you believe in their money as God?
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 31, 2023, 11:01:09 AM
The first person or persons to receive freshly inflated paper Fiat money controlled by Central Banking whether in the United States of America or any other country, hold the maximum amount of value that that money will ever be worth due to the terms of time value of money. Immediately after that money has been created it instantly starts losing value. A true deflationary system of money that is global changes all of that you can exchange straight out of a system of money designed to lose money from its Inception and to a system of money designed to appreciate. What money and how long will it take before inflationary systems of economic control are completely worthless it's happened to many countries multiple times within my life. Peer to peer currencies will accelerate that process.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 30, 2023, 02:54:27 PM
Men looking to money as a messiah. A grand experiment to capture the faith of the people. The knowledge of money as power to control behavior of those who are given it for their time. When you don't feel like you have enough time for God. Selling the proceeds of the faith as debt to science seekers secure in a belief on man's own strength, while those who know God write and speak plainly.
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Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 23, 2023, 07:26:18 AM
The standard of value, labour for one's flour and meat, has been strengthened by the assisted power of combustion and electricity. Confirmation of confusion to how should the excess value be used exists. Trade synthesis value is the standard now required for proper exchange of money as a medium. Obligations of debt slavery to government will require a slave patrol unmatched before in the history of the world. The taxes of time value of money used to pursue eternal life can only be redeemed by one. Are you prepared to pay back a debt he took for all? His name is Jesus Christ. I give thanks always in his sacred name!
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 21, 2023, 09:19:41 AM
Doing things the way you want too is easier when you have money which isn't limited in value by central banks and or government. Fly like an eagle. See no evil. Read good into all people.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 20, 2023, 03:36:25 PM
Time value of money means to many people, that anyone who doesn't live a long life, was a martyr to the cause of eternal life. Picking martyrs as the figures who remain in the present culture, as symbols of idolatry to the money, which obviously, will have to be the savior to those who believe in its power to provide eternal life. Whether that life is from the legal systems means, through the state or a marketplace where with the ability to buy more time in a lifetime using intellectual property protected by the state to provide said value in unlimited time.

Perpetual value in the money over the course of time, isn't possible to provide by any legal system, so a confidence game arises. The Christian ideal of religious justifications, makes a mockery of the actual savior of all humankind, Jesus Christ, and turns the money into a means by which idolatry can remain a focus of any the followers who are not focused on truth. The way to eternal life isn't money. Despite any systems of value based around it. Faith in God is. I have faith in Jesus Christ. Government can get right out of my wealth and health. Be gone Government!
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Activity: 154
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July 20, 2023, 01:11:55 AM
My random thought now? I´m on mushrooms s... hard to describe. Many thoughts..
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 18, 2023, 07:47:27 AM
The obligations of the government to make their central banking fiat be used, results in work which they will reward with all sorts of incentives. What is the actual value of the various required forms of work. History is just that. The work has no other value other than the requirement of the government to do it. The value of the money has no value other than the standards the government sets for it. The most recent standards government has attempted to set is the value in the time. Historically speaking the time on its own has no value other than memorials. Memorials to what exactly? Those who sacrificed their earthly time in their temples of flesh to said governments? Respect for the dead? Time value of money standards, do not result in systems of perpetual value when the historical accounting of the value of such sacrifices are corrupted by those who want untruth to be truth. The truth of God has been completely restored to the earth. In That God do I trust. As far as verification of truth in government, the work being done to provide any standards of value in that, is equally and actually at many times being exchanged for more corruption.

Peer to peer currencies do not predicate their values on trust in God. There is no blasphemy in value synthesized with them. That is the truth.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 13, 2023, 08:59:26 AM
The tasks of posting to sites such as these with automation bots takes almost no time when artificial intelligence is applied. The sunk time value of online interactions is rapidly approaching zero. What value is time relevant to anyway? Trade synthesis value is the most applicable way to systems of valuations for most of my purposes.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 12, 2023, 03:54:15 PM
How many times have you recently heard or read about the current state of governance in the USA? The government from the federal level on down, approved martial law type powers. The only means by which this could even be considered is if the USA is living within a militaristic dictatorship. That is primarily because of a weaponised system of money, being used in not only active economic warfare against foreign agents, but of course, constitutes of the USA political system. This is possible because the status quo of the American medical system, as an active monopoly of medicine and of course licenses, etc. Specifically for the promises of life and liberty to be returned to the people, government must be removed from the health and wealth of the people. In the meantime, it's possible to be your own bank, while also a active steward of your own health, participating in global markets for medicines and healthcare. No ones system of money is God, or especially a means to demand all the world receives eternal life at the mandate of tyrants who control militaries. May God be with you all! Christ lives!
Activity: 108
Merit: 25
July 12, 2023, 01:00:22 PM
What is the purpose of life? This topic worries me a lot. In fact, why are we alive or for whom are we alive? Are we here on earth just to live better and fulfill our own needs or is there a greater purpose hidden behind it? What do I really want or should I really want in my life? If only one could really say whether everyone's purpose in life is the same or different areas
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 11, 2023, 07:57:21 AM
Things are going swimmingly again for me after the dive shock.  Jumping out there without a plan other than government to keep you from going broke is a modern failure of the greatest proportion ever, in the history of the world. Those who are familiar with history can quiet easily make the connection between public policy that is slave based and that which is freedom based. The freedom based behaviors with short term incentives to being portrayed as fun, etc. are promoted so the slave based positions of control and power can be justified. This is tyranny at the levels of leadership of slaves. Funny thing is about slavery is it has never been a long-term solution for adding value to any economic system. There is always a tipping point, that the means to control the slaves becomes irrelevant or intolerable. In the USA, having the second amendment written as one solution to such tyranny, gives credence to discussions involving rising to freedom at the level of people over the so called government authority granted. Anyone who sees that as the primary means to obtain freedom, don't understand the means being used to control them. Economic freedom is the first step, with a focus on doing the stuff you can to prepare for self sufficient autonomy. Trusting in government debt slavery, is a dark and deary place to be.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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July 10, 2023, 07:53:55 AM
My health this weekend took a dive. It started on Friday with a tired feeling in the particularly strong in the afternoon. I took a nap, then decided to get some refreshments. The choice I made was multiple forms of gummy candies. That was the worst thing possible it seemed for my stomach because the next morning, my stomach felt awful. I dealt with the effect of that by avoiding some of the bigger tasks I was scheduled to do. Went on a shopping as work marathon, only stopping for a late lunch. The following morning, after getting a decent amount of rest, I was still not feeling my stomach close enough to normal strength to attend church. This feeling deteriorated throughout the day, although I was able to eat twice. The second feeding felt as if it didn't want to digest, and was sitting in there waiting to come back up. Later on after I soaked in an epsom salt bath, a strong sensation of soreness appeared in my shoulders. This became an ache then painful in a way that is hard to describe. I took ibuprofen followed by baby asprin. I was very close to going out to seek medical treatment in the early am. It didn't seem worth it to sit around in a emergency room while waiting for the doctors to get in, so I laid back down, finding a way to get comfortable, and was able to go to sleep. I'm woken now, writing this. Things seem much better. The next steps I'll take is more aspirin and another epsom salt soak. Oatmeal in the form of granola, is what I'm probably going to end up eating.

Edit: forgot to mention the hours of prayer. Didn't ask for any blessings from others, besides my wife of course.
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