
Topic: My random thought blog - page 3. (Read 7999 times)

hero member
Activity: 1223
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October 19, 2024, 06:24:32 AM
Money as an idea, has value in the benefits of working towards the mutually assured goals that result from game theory analysis.  For peer to peer currencies secured by cryptographic mathematics, the forst a foremost value is freedom. Of course that is on a edge that could lead to the opposite, especially when counter valued against a basket of centrally controled currencies. These pride built ideas of money can lead many to make the ultimate sacrifice for, as the value of freedom is closed by allegiance to systems and networks. The freedom of communication and speech is therefore essential.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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October 14, 2024, 04:24:14 PM
Perpetuating time value of money principles makes for a potential scam, when the pride of the believers in such systems causes a delusion of immortality as if the value will continue perpetually.  Monetary Endowments do not assure the stream of income against systemic risks.  The risks to beware of pride. The non profit taxation codes within the US tax code system, rewards hypocrisy.  Endowments are practically required to be revealed so the costs can be deferred.  The alms then are recognized by those affiliated to be rewarded by men.  Does Money change men and woman? Would giving away the precieved financial security that a time value of money system offers be possible through the pride of those who put their faith in it?  My opinion is that it already has, and is spiraling into a the worst case scenario of debt inheritance. Governments which demand their taxpayers under threat of their lives to pay for the continued life of those entrusting government to provide safety to them is a particular type of irony my words are lost from me. The USA military actions to perpetrate a public health emergency is by manys beliefs, justified.  For solely the purpose to enslave an entire people who share such beliefs. My belief is that Jesus Christ already freely gave of himself to offer an eternal life to all those who believe. Money as a similitude of his power to give everyone said eternal life doesn't work for anyone other than those who would suffer at the hands of tyrants.  Seeking Gods righteousness lead me to peer to peer currencies secured by cryptographic mathematics! I take no thought for the way things may and or appear on earth. Earth life for me has brought so much light to my eyes. I know to whom I am willing give my life!
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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October 04, 2024, 07:17:15 AM
With debt money the thought for taking back the loan is already thought out for you. Debt Slaves do not need to take such thought as they are persuaded and assured with the money that loving today as if there is no tomorrow brings the most joy in the life. With a mentality of just one life to live, building on their day to day reverlies with accumulated debt money. What debts should be forgiven? The debts of making a home? Buying land? Farming?  By taking payment in debt money, is the debt even actually forgiven or paid and settled? Debt money forgiveness is impossible.  Special status of forgiveness is given between nations by unelected and elected officials? The world's debt will never be paid only forgiven. We can never pay off the debt we owe to God, but can be rewarded openly by him.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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October 01, 2024, 04:10:51 AM
Peacemaking is some thing I'm good at. When the government money is used as a weapon, selling everything to exchange into peace makes more peace. Anyone is free to cast off worldly pursuits to practice peace.  Sell everything which is actually used to own you as a debt slave, and exchange into peer to peer currencies secured by cryptographic mathematics.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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September 28, 2024, 11:26:48 PM
Money doesn't actually work for you, the principles of finance can be made to add time values to debt money. Computers can actually do work for you. Performance can be measured in varied ways. Tasks of time value of money are trivial for proof of stake systems of money. The complexities of programmable money in a contractually driven input output are limitless. It doesn't necessarily mean superior money, until traditional costs become obsolete.  The many benefits of peer to peer currencies which allow for smart contracts to efficiently work at the speed of light, is changing how time values in money are calculated. Finance fields will never be the same.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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September 27, 2024, 07:15:46 AM
Read some descriptions of smart contracts this morning. Am modifying my routine to include more information of this subject. I want to move into functional use of this future financial field.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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September 25, 2024, 02:17:03 PM
Information about Jesus Christ is available from those who are and are not attempting to profit from the value of his message. The US dollar and other forms of government fiat have used their constituents beliefs to get gain. In other words, a scam was perpetrated to declare through mandates and other government actions, currencies issued by said governments, good for buying eternal life.

Jesus Christ already offers everyone eternal life. I have a testimony of this. In his holy name, Amen.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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September 24, 2024, 06:34:50 AM
Do you have a routine of living beyond the means and measures you are acquiring? What of any personal policy to not do so? Should you use money which is administered contrary to any personal accounting practices?  If you do so, then you are not holding true to the personal reasons for doing so. Those might be saving money for a time of need and avoiding debt. How can any one avoid debt within a system of debt money?
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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September 22, 2024, 08:11:36 AM
I'm a great curriculum without a university title, but I'm a poor guy because I have a bad image and I don't speak english. People thinks that I'm a dealer or an alcoholic guy. But I studied so much with the betters enciclopaedias and teachers. My money I always earned it with effort, but noone believe me.

I'm reading what you wrote. Do you have more money than those who see your efforts believe is possible?
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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September 22, 2024, 04:57:04 AM
What would your ideal life entail? An able to live outside the world while remaining in it. Those who suffer greatly from choices they make didn't see or have the patience for the opportunity of what they could have alternativly worked towards. It's not possible to become self made, you must model your life after God. What you can buy with the money you use matters. Freedom is paramount to any system of money.  Having a system of money which rewards merits. There is value in rewarding such virtues.
jr. member
Activity: 42
Merit: 1
September 21, 2024, 02:35:17 PM
I'm a great curriculum without a university title, but I'm a poor guy because I have a bad image and I don't speak english. People thinks that I'm a dealer or an alcoholic guy. But I studied so much with the betters enciclopaedias and teachers. My money I always earned it with effort, but noone believe me.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
This is who we are.
September 20, 2024, 03:48:06 PM
Who would have thought a nation state would rise up to become the peak of global dominance, that others entire economic standing would become reliant of the systems implemented through their expertise and industry. Building on freedom, the financial, insurance, and real estate systems are built completely on trust in the American beliefs espousing such liberty. What is actually emerging is a new platform of expertise that grants greater liberty than ever. It's too bad for those who wish for ever greater losses of such liberty.  Becoming slaves to ones self or others is always an option. Seizing freedom can often get you burned.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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September 19, 2024, 10:14:31 AM
“Therefore, be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy.”
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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September 19, 2024, 06:40:47 AM
The hive farthest to the west in my apart has the stinky queen. The aroma emanating from the hive is that of decay. On September 17 around noon I split the hive into the worker bees and the hive bees. The existing queen stayed with the hive bees. I introduced a caged queen from Hawaii into the working hive.  The candy plug should be eaten out with her acceptance by next week.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
This is who we are.
September 17, 2024, 11:03:29 AM
When it comes to survival, what do the costs matter? People want to believe there are things that it doesn't matter how much they spend on it. But as for the money itself, how can it be marketed as being capable of buying everything for which there is no upper limit of costs? 

Obviously to me, the pandemic was an exercise in establishing that sort of goodwill for currencies, especially the USD. The amount of consumerism in state medical expenses was pushed to the highest level it has ever been.  What research will prove that the economic warfare of such blatantly tyrannical was actually used against the very people who can afford it the least. Operation dollar debt slavery forever would have been a much appropriate name for operation warp speed.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
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September 14, 2024, 06:05:04 AM
People must be willing to discuss what money is before broaching the topic of peer to peer currencies.  If they only listen to your plans for better money, they could likely try to profit off of your position on it. Taxes from politicians are the first place to be wary of. Do you try to avoid them? Best not to talk about money. Now should you want to profit along with politicians, definitely start to discuss it with all of them. It's important to hear what they think can be allowed taken from your peer to peer currencies. Is it more than 10%, then they must find themselves more important than God. Most governments do is my experience
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
This is who we are.
September 12, 2024, 05:40:50 AM
Please God, help all those suffering from the illnesses in this world. Especially the delusions of power those who are in their medical careers have, being protected militarily to wage war on what they precieve as the enemy's of wellness and health, while sustaining the actual issues with health and wellness. This is my prayer this day, in Jesus Christ name. Amen
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
This is who we are.
September 10, 2024, 07:21:51 AM
Time is perceived by men, as the passage of the planet we are on, around the Sun.  That perspective is what we can study and know a little more about. Does that make us knowledgeable about time? Does someone who builds time keeping devices or creates systems correlated with such movement have any greater ability with such perspective of time? They certainly can't influence God's time. The entire universe was created by God. God's time has the ultimate value as it is eternal. Speed of anything in God's time is relative to correlation of so much to keep track of it isn't even possible using all of man's current resources. It won't even ever become possible using the values we have built onto the forms of governance to communicate time values to each other. This is why God inspired the peer to peer currencies secured by cryptographic mathematics, since the art of creating values from other perspectives of time is how God can value things. What value system will you want to create?
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
This is who we are.
September 09, 2024, 09:41:18 AM
People are individuals with unique and different DNA. The nutritional requirements of those differences can lead to varied diets.  What sort of nutrition do you look for? It comes to me in cravings, the up most one being soul food. To find the truth and light God has for me.
hero member
Activity: 1223
Merit: 506
This is who we are.
September 06, 2024, 08:40:07 PM
There is a reason the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution is before the 2nd. That reason should be plain to any one who thinks about it. It is that obvious when the 1st fails to be upheld, it is time for the 2nd to be exercised valiantly!

Those politicians and their enabled agents, who are active in undermining the principles and tenets of the US constitution, are breaking a sworn obligation. How the first amendment doesn’t or does apply,  isn’t so complicated that clear violations can’t be swiftly dealt within the branches of government.

Should they not, the second amendment is there for the people who are actually governing.
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