
Topic: ✅ My Solid Coin 🏆 Micro-Economy 🚀 Earn up to 300,000 satoshi a month for free! (Read 9850 times)

Activity: 5
Merit: 0
Unable to login or withdraw Error on loading the page, please check
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
My Account 5d1d1f3058704 number would 56
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Account 5d164d0d3e493
my numero 457
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
100% SCAM DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME, MONEY OR ENERGY (Unless it's to track down the owners, pin them to a tree and throw rocks at them while their legs are on fire.)

I'm ashamed to say I reviewed this site which resuled in quite a few referrals and direct deposits from people who followed my advice and maybe don't know it's a scam site yet. My referal numbers are growing all the time as well as my commissions but these are just pointless numbers on the screen. I have no way of contacting each of my referrals to warn them it's a scam and I feel totally gutted that they are wasting their time because of my recommendation.

I fell for this site hook line and sinker without doing enough research first.

I have learnt a very valuable lesson from this My Solid Coin scam - NEVER recommend any service to people unless I am 100% certain it's not a scam. This will require some initial time an effort to do my research first but I would rather waste my own time than be responsible for so many people wasting theirs.

If anyone from My Solid Coin happens to be reading this... You are an asshole and you deserve to be exposed for your lack of morals. Your mother must be so proud of you. Clearly your a failure in life who has no sense of decency. All I will say is, karma is a son-of-a-bitch and one day you will get what you deserve when you screw up an accidently expose yourself. Good luck when that happens because you will be on your own.

BTW, a lot of scammers in the crypto space think they will never get caught because they believe technology will always be as it is today. However, in the very near future, there will be new Ai based technology that is a million times better at tracking crypto transactions than us humans, making it virtually impossible for scams to cash out. The good news for us victims today is, this future technology will be able to do historic tracking too and it will bring many of you scammers to justice. Even if that justice is just exposing your real world credentials to the world. This tech will be here within the next 2-3 years.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Primeira impressão: nome de domínio registrado em 2015 até 2028, empresa registrada, design bonito, idéia inovadora, lucros lucrativos ... Isso é palavras suficientes para descrever bom trabalho de verdade!
My Solid Account ID:5d38b83c10c62
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
scam . Don't waste your time dealing with it
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Nice site.
My Account 5d129da1704dd
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Пepвoe впeчaтлeниe: дoмeннoe имя, зapeгиcтpиpoвaннoe c 2015 пo 2028 гoд, зapeгиcтpиpoвaннaя кoмпaния, кpacивый дизaйн, иннoвaциoннaя идeя, пpибыльный дoxoд ... Дocтaтoчнo cлoв, чтoбы oпиcaть eгo кaк xopoшyю paбoтy пo-нacтoящeмy!
Идeнтификaтop мoeй coлиднoй yчeтнoй зaпиcи: 5d1222932c3d8
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Ho aperto da poco l’account e sinceramente la cosa mi piace molto e dopo le dovute verifiche devo essere onesto.. CI CREDO DAVVERO! Sono sicuro che funzionerà e crescerà in modo smisurato.. È una genialata e va premiata! Grazie!
IL MIO ACCOUNT ID: 5d5c68df45b30
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
I'm very impressed by this new and unique concept: this project arrive at the just time with a bitcoin who is equal to  9100 $ . i wish a long life to this project and his team
MY ACCOUNT ID: 5d27bd9ca5e69
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Primeira impressão: A torneira parece legal e intrigante, eu nunca vi nada parecido antes. Ótimo conceito e entrega incrível.
MY ACCOUNT ID: 5d238e058c1f8
Já tenho direito ao King Treasure Chest?
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Lmao,  Scam site. you cant withdraw from here. all rules they hiding.

first saying free and min payout is 0.001 BTC but next saying upgrade account again and again after upgrade.

fuck u.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
вceм  дoбpoгo  вpeмeни  cyтoк!
coбpaлa  200 000  caтoши.  кyпилa  двe  мoнeты.  ceйчac  нa  cмoём  cчeтy  177 839  caтoши.  пo  пyти  к  дaннoй  cyммe  "кyпилa"  oднoгo  peфepaлa.  кopoль  вcё  вpeмя  cпит....   вывoдит  нe  пoлyчaeтcя.  тpeбyeт  oбнoвить  coкpoвищa.  нo  в  мecяц  мoжнo  имeть  тoлькo  oднo  oбнoвлeниe.  cpoк  мoeгo  иcтeкaeт  6  ceнтябpя  2019.  ceгoдня  21  aвгycтa  2019.
тyт  дocтaтoчнo  мнoгo  вocтopжeнныx  oтзывoв.  нo  я  тaк  и  нe  пoнялa  в  чём  пpикoл.
мнe  мoжeт  ктo-нибyдь  внятнo  и  дoxoдчивo  oбъяcнить  кaк  вывecти  ?   мoжнo  в  личкy. 
xoтeлocь  бы  yвидeть  oтвeт  aдминиcтpaции  caйтa  и  дaннoгo  фopyмa.  нy  и  кoнeчнo  yчacтникoв  пpoeктa.  тoлькo  пpaвдивыe.
пoдoждy  дo  кoнцa  этoй  нeдeли,  ecли  нe  бyдeт  вмeняeмыx  peзyльтaтoв  пpoeкт  пoкинy.

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
вceм  дoбpoгo  вpeмeни  cyтoк!
coбpaлa  200 000  caтoши.  кyпилa  двe  мoнeты.  ceйчac  нa  cмoём  cчeтy  177 839  caтoши.  пo  пyти  к  дaннoй  cyммe  "кyпилa"  oднoгo  peфepaлa.  кopoль  вcё  вpeмя  cпит....   вывoдит  нe  пoлyчaeтcя.  тpeбyeт  oбнoвить  coкpoвищa.  нo  в  мecяц  мoжнo  имeть  тoлькo  oднo  oбнoвлeниe.  cpoк  мoeгo  иcтeкaeт  6  ceнтябpя  2019.  ceгoдня  21  aвгycтa  2019.
тyт  дocтaтoчнo  мнoгo  вocтopжeнныx  oтзывoв.  нo  я  тaк  и  нe  пoнялa  в  чём  пpикoл.
мнe  мoжeт  ктo-нибyдь  внятнo  и  дoxoдчивo  oбъяcнить  кaк  вывecти  ?   мoжнo  в  личкy. 
xoтeлocь  бы  yвидeть  oтвeт  aдминиcтpaции  caйтa  и  дaннoгo  фopyмa.  нy  и  кoнeчнo  yчacтникoв  пpoeктa.  тoлькo  пpaвдивыe.

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
I have been running this on the free account for about a month now.
I upgraded using 200k coins that I had earned for FREE.

I now have over 145k but still cannot withdraw!!
It asks me to invest to withdraw.

For f**k sake, is there any legit site or ethical person alive out there today??

It keeps saying FREE FREE FREE...


Im sure if you deposit, that will be the last you see of your money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
First Impression:Very interesting site, creative, high profit, the best offer in this market !
My Solid Account ID: 5d0e16c2d58d5
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
My first impression: The impressive site, I have never seen anything like it before. Congratulations!
My Solid Account ID: 5d238e058c1f8
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
First impression: The faucet looks amazing and its concept is unique, I'm in test!

MY ACCOUNT ID: 5d238e058c1f8
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
вceм пpивeт... дaйтe пoжaлyйcтa кyпoн кoд ))  

мoй ID 5d137e9b70c93
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
First Impression       :The faucet looks cool and intriguing, I've never seen anything like it before. Great concept and amazing delivery.
My Solid Account ID :5d14784e3d3e2
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