will coincontrol soon be released? or is it down on the list?
Any official roadmap link with the next features sorted by priority?
Thank you.
Coincontrol is not on our todo list. Our wallet is meant for personal daily usage, and automatically picks which addresses to spend from to minimize fees. Once we implement CoinJoin, coin control may even be a security issue that could expose the privacy of your addresses.
Here's the roadmap so far:
Allow lower transaction fees (currently in beta)
Support for Shamir's Secret Sharing keys, which are private keys that are split into m-of-n parts, as supported by Mycelium Entropy (currently in beta)
BitID support (currently in testnet)
Support for tor through nodes accessible over tor hidden services (implemented and being tested on the nodes)
Added functionality to LocalTrader, such as more control over trading logs, and improved reputation options, including reputation for buyers so they can be trusted to buy from sellers using more risky means.
More selling options on LocalTrader besides just bitcoin for fiat, such as bitcoin for other stuff you want to sell, similar to Craigslist
Support for CoinJoin (possibly later this Spring)
Support for Rivetz (when their API comes out in 2015)
Implement BIP70 (it's a constant medium-to-high priority that we just can't set aside the time to do)
Possibly support for other digital currencies
Long term, we hope to make Mycelium into a full fledged financial app, with support for transaction categories, exporting transaction history, monitoring spending, being able to use is as a merchant POS, etc.