Well it's your contest that you're hosting (you call the shots) so that's cool but you shouldn't moderate how people merit that's just what I have to say (beside the meriting doesn't interfere with who'll finally be the winner).
There are situations when a participant might need merit to rank up and his submission fortunately gets to receive the merits (to rank up) but with restricting how many merits someone can send just does not make sense.
Igebotz is a local board source so his merits is kinda indefinite and he can keep at a particular meriting pace but the same can't be said for others.
People can also use the supposed "over meriting" to make a submission that they'll consider to be their opponents to get disqualified so there's pros and cons to everything. The focus should be to encourage more submission in the contest and not how people merit because there'll always be submission that appease to people than others.