It's community effort (there's 250k NXT bounty for it), and at some points it's full of low-level details,
at others it misses things like differences in forging that were introduced... (and analysis of that)
Let me refrain from direct answer, here are some excerpts, I've bold some of them (mind the dates):
I'd say some nice things about Nxt, and then one guy would raise his hand and ask "can you explain the rationale behind basing a cryptocurrency on a mix of Curve25519, EC-KCDSA, and SHA-256 when no papers exist that assess the semantic security of that particular Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, and it is has only traditionally been favoured for its calculation speeds?", and I would suddenly smell toast and collapse into an apoplectic heap, muttering "just ask Beyonce it all comes from Beyonce" and weeping. THEN watch the price.
It's a real Catch-22. Getting a chance to take part in a panel that would be included in the (always awesome and SO VALUABLE) Let's Talk Bitcoin podcast is *exquisite*, but the person to talk about the advent and future of metacoins is currently living in Belarus and busy until April.
MY VOTE would be for someone like wesley, ferment, opticalcarrier, rickyjames or ricot.
I think noone will be able to tell about Nxt. Only BCNext would but he can't due to obvious reason.
Nxt source code indeed is full of riddles and traps. For example, we can't run testnet with another genesis block coz we would definitely trigger some traps.
BCNext modified EC-KCDSA to inject a flaw (we r safe, don't worry) and to increase requirements to hardware Nxt wallets.
Also, it's impossible to write a whitepaper now, coz we haven't seen 2nd and 3rd parts of the plan yet.
in the white paper, we need the math, pictures and drawings about algo now.
so the only persons that can deliver here are the DEVs, we asked over and over but no reaction.
with all respect, maybe BCNext should do this!
Only BCNext can do that, the other devs don't have enough info about future TF properties.
Asked ages ago, his position sounds like that (my wording):
Satoshi's whitepaper has never been critically reviewed. This led to the situation when serious problems like Centralization, Selfish Mining, etc. were revealed too late. More problems will arise in the future (Huge Fees, Ecological Catastrophe). By refusing to write the whitepaper BCNext forces us to analyze Nxt concept as deep as possible.