I can't believe that by simply asking how Nem differs from Nxt it caused this reaction. I'm not trolling.
If you are not trolling, then how do you explain this post? Made earlier today?
Wow.... so original. This doesn't look at all like Nxt's logo. lol
Seriously, save yourselves some time and just copy everything from Nxt.
I'm a software engineer, what can I do for Nem!
Step 1 - Ctrl+C
Step 2 - Ctrl+V
You act like you don't know what is going on. But clearly you understand exactly what is going on. You have read up on NEM. Stated here
I think POI is a flawed concept. I'm not sure what is meant by "different types of node", maybe someone can enlighten me.
So this would lead us to believe that you know that control C and Control V would not work. But you said it anyway. You keep saying it's a fork and clone, but you clearly know that statement is a lie.
Below, I think we start to see what is really causing you to troll the way you have been here on this thread and others.
My main concern is that Nem and Nxt have the exact same stated goal: "The creation of a new economic movement." I full-heartedly support this objective. I do not believe a division of resources best serves this purpose.
So ok, you disagree with Nxt and NEM co-existing. That is fine. No one is giving you the chance to leave or community because of this. It is because of this:
Nem is a pointless clone currency. It offers no features that Nxt does not already possess. A significant amount of funds have been taken from individuals and they are going to get nothing for it. That is unethical.
This and other post you have made about NEM are not true. Plus, as a matter of fact, I could keep on posting your own comments that contradict each other. This proves you are trolling. You are trying to hurt NEM because you disagree that they should co-exist. As you stated. Matter of fact, you have us to think we should all go to Nxt forum and pool our resources and only work on Nxt. This is your opinion to have as your own. But it is unacceptable to make statement meant to fool people cause of your belief.
You have not been kicked out. You have been given the option to leave. If you worried about resources going away form Nxt, why do you waste your time here, as you are smart. Help us out. Or get out. Don’t make up a confusing story here and elsewhere.