NXT price is: 0.0000898 BTC/NXT supply @ 1 billion
NEM price should be 0.0000224 BTC/NEM , NEM supply @ 4 billion
NEM price is actually 1,000,000 for 17,500 NXT = 1,000,000 for 1.5715 BTC = 0.0000015715 BTC/NEM
so that's pretty attractive. People buying at these low prices will easily make 10X - 20X their investment once NEM launches.
Based on what kind of analysis? There's not even a hard launch date yet.
Right now, NEM has a value of 0.000000000000000000 anything.
NEM right now has the value of what people are willing to pay, like everything else. I guess that is not difficult to understand, or at least it shouldn't.
Sorry friend but you should save being a dick for when you are right. You can't pay anything for NEM right now because it doesn't exist right now. The only thing that exists are tokens which represent NEM. So my simple question to you is, how did you come up with such liberal projections for a coin that hasn't been released yet?
buying a token is basically a pre-order for the actual NEM ... the exchange rate for one token is exactly one NEM stake (1000000 NEM), so the value of both are the same ... if one token has value, then one NEM stake automatically has value even though it's not delivered to you yet. So saying NEM has value of 0 right now is simply not true. Otherwise the tokens would have a value of 0.
And his projection is basically just wishful thinking. Nobody knows what will happen and how much NEM will be worth. But right now one NEM stake is one token worth.
It's same situation when you buy shares or take part of some IPO, not exactly pre-order because IMO these guys are buyin in cos the hope to get return not just a unit of NEM or just medium of Exchange. I think that cryptocurrrencies are some kind of hybrid of money and investment.