Who are they?
Where can they be found?
And what will be our approach?
Who are they? - Great programmers
Where can they be found? - Through our NEM Network
And what will be our approach? - Incentivize these great programmers with reward using unclaimed stakes, support AltNemo
If the above cannot be done, then we can talk until the cows come home and watch the world pass by us.
Amidst fuds and trollers, there are enough leaders and visionaries in NEM. We need "Indians" to work on projects.
Indians aren't the only programmers
Everyone wants to be a chieftain.
But yes, we need programmers at the beginning to build things on top of NEM. I think finding CSC students at universities is a great way.
Ok, this is a great start.
Programmers. How do we find programmers from outside the crypto community? Do we go to other forums theyy frequent and let them know how they can be a part of our movement? Are there organizations they are a part of that we can approach? Where else can we find them?
CSC students. How do we approach them? What groups are they a part of? Do we have a CSC student that is part of the community now that would have an interest in helping out with this?
That is two great ideas of how to grow the community past those that already are involved in crypto.
What are some others that in general are not involved in crypto, but would be the type that would interested if approached correctly?
Two big ones so far, who else?
I think Makoto can be a bit of an idealist. In practical terms nobody is going to scour the universities to shake up students who are busy with assignments, midterms and finals. This is something that already had been in *cannot be mentioned* alternate which has been hitting up Prague's universities for talent and hasn't had any success.
Given the current capitalization and funding the best way to get funding is to advertise actual employment to developers in cheaper cost of labour countries which Nemsters have connections. This means countries like Vietnam, Philippines, China, Ukraine or even Latin America. This means online job postings and somebody would have to play human resources.
No boiler room (slave labour) developers as this is the new economy movement and we should be supporting "fair trade developers" (like fair trade coffee) and it doesn't cost that much to provide a middle class livelihood in a lot of those countries.
I am not sure about Ukraine or Latin America, but with an Asian background, I can vouch that good programmers in Asia are far and few in between. I have ever run a software development company before and I can tell you that I almost vomitted blood trying to help programmers solve problems that I hired them for!
I have a good friend in Korea who is a programmer. (He's korean and extremely intelligent) He complained and complained about the lack of quality of his coworkers. Finally, he just got a job in America working for a company making in house phone apps for large businesses with strict needs.
He's the exact type of person NEM needs. I think if 50 guys like him joined NEM, this platform would be pretty unstoppable. To that extent, I think Makoto is fairly on point. I think we should be trying to recruit and get technological campuses into NEM. Bitcoin is air dropping on MIT. I soooo wish that was NEM instead. But it's not too late. There are 500 other tech schools out there.
The number one recruiting ground for cults is universities. I'm not saying NEM should send in creeps and try to brainwash the youth, but I do think it is a legitimate area to focus on. Lots of potential for growth there.
NXT had "71 investors" but what a crypto really needs is a platform 71 developers coordinated with 71 marketers. This first crypto to get organized and do just that can probably be the winner. Right now the competition is all a bunch of amateurs. One serious team could smash it's way into crypto if done right. That's why my latest fear for NEM is the new IBM/Samsung partnership to build a blockchain. I would me be so happy if what we did is to build a platform and have them join us, the same way Counterparty built a platform and is getting Overstocks backing.
I'm serious that the first crypto project to go full steam a head with its 100% can seriously turn this whole crypto field upside down in just a few years. Bitcoin is an awesome experiment that probably wasn't ever meant to getthis far and the rest is just a handful of underfunded and undermanned teams.