Is there some way to benchmark the algos easier, seen .txt file above that had specific numbers listed as benchmarks for each algo.. how did yall do that? im linking what im talking about
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] blakecoin : 8304139.4 kH/s, -10999 MB, 67108864 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] blake : 4767552.0 kH/s, 2 MB, 67108864 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] blake2s : 6717441.6 kH/s, 2 MB, 33554432 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] bmw : 2876996.4 kH/s, 66 MB, 2097152 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] bastion : 19386.4 kH/s, 234 MB, 1048576 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] deep : 66240.6 kH/s, 34 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] decred : 4961711.2 kH/s, 2 MB, 33554432 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] fresh : 25065.3 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] fugue256 : 723228.2 kH/s, 130 MB, 4194304 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] groestl : 68094.8 kH/s, 2 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] heavy : 64930.8 kH/s, 166 MB, 524032 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] hmq1725 : 7810.9 kH/s, 644 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] keccak : 1026037.0 kH/s, 130 MB, 2097152 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] jackpot : 18548.2 kH/s, 108 MB, 1048576 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] jha : 25728.4 kH/s, 134 MB, 1048576 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] lbry : 492183.5 kH/s, 2 MB, 8388608 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] luffa : 549619.1 kH/s, 130 MB, 2097152 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] lyra2 : 5103.1 kH/s, 12 MB, 65536 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] lyra2v2 : 64216.9 kH/s, 1570 MB, 1048576 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] lyra2z : 2651.5 kH/s, 12 MB, 65536 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] myr-gr : 124930.4 kH/s, 66 MB, 1048576 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] neoscrypt : 1475.3 kH/s, 306 MB, 65536 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] nist5 : 83465.4 kH/s, 66 MB, 1048576 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] penta : 26863.5 kH/s, 34 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] qubit : 32965.1 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] sha256d : 1846864.9 kH/s, 2 MB, 33554432 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] sha256t : 1066858.2 kH/s, 2 MB, 8388608 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] sia : 3129930.5 kH/s, 2 MB, 67108864 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] sib : 15462.1 kH/s, 1218 MB, 1048576 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] skein : 706579.5 kH/s, 2 MB, 1048576 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] skein2 : 640114.9 kH/s, 34 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] s3 : 66537.9 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] timetravel : 21979.2 kH/s, 34 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] bitcore : 27810.0 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] x11evo : 12635.2 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] x11 : 16460.0 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] x13 : 17518.1 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] x14 : 17889.2 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] x15 : 17076.3 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] x17 : 16736.9 kH/s, 610 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] vanilla : 6290462.1 kH/s, 2 MB, 16777216 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] veltor : 39056.8 kH/s, 130 MB, 2097152 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] whirlpool : 78090.1 kH/s, 2 MB, 524288 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] zr5 : 6622.8 kH/s, 88 MB, 262144 thr.[0m
[2017-06-08 15:44:54] GPU #1: Intensity set to 18, 262144 cuda threads[0m
I don't know about all versions, but the tpruvot fork you can run with `--benchmark`