I did a small mod to the .bat which lets you choose which GPU devices you want to utilize. Just put "-d 0,1", ect at DEV=
%A% -r 0 -a -i 12,14 %A16% -o stratum+tcp://%A16%.%POOL%:5033 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS% %DEV%
what does puting 2 numbers after -i do? i usually only add a single number eg -i 21 or -i 17
for example -i 12,14 which intensity would it use 12 or 14 ?
Regards Nemo
That's the intensity selection per-card.
so for a: -d 0,1,2 (3 video cards)
you can trim intensity per card: -i 16,26,23 (respectively)
To ID GPU in the system, run nvidiainspector, and it shows gpu number at bottom per gpu.
in your case, probably add this up top with the variables:
INT=-i 23,24,25
and add to the string at the end to utilize: ...%A16%.%POOL%:5033 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS% %DEV% %INT%
This is solely for the people with mixed density systems that have an old ass gpu in the mix that won't hash with the high intensity. Up north I have a few machines with mixed 9 and 6 series.